• 2 months ago
八点最热报 | 移民局耗时一个月收集情报后,今天凌晨到吉隆坡市中心一家高档娱乐场所展开突击行动,并逮捕了123人。其中落网的69名外籍女郎,分别来自中国、韩国、新加坡、越南、泰国及非洲塞拉利昂,他们主要负责陪坐和跳舞。(主播:庄文杰)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.M.E. website.
00:30Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.M.E. website.
01:30More than 133 people have been arrested.
01:35More than 133 people have been arrested.
01:40More than 133 people have been arrested.
01:42In addition to Kuala Lumpur, there was also a land seizure in Anbang yesterday.
01:45In addition to Kuala Lumpur, there was also a land seizure in Anbang yesterday.
01:51The police arrested 92 illegal immigrants.
01:56In the process of the land seizure, some people were arrested because they could not show their IDs.
02:00Some people confronted the officials.
02:02There was also a woman who pretended to faint and lay on the ground.
02:05She tried to escape the arrest.
02:07The situation was chaotic.
02:08In any case, the officials there later put all these illegal immigrants in the immigration office.
02:12In any case, the officials there later put all these illegal immigrants in the immigration office.
02:26In any case, the officials there later put all these illegal immigrants in the immigration office.
