• 2 months ago
Funko Pop! DC Heroes DC Holiday Harley Quinn with Helper


00:00If you're planning to have a holiday with Harley, expect some season's beatings.
00:04Here's your Christmas spot on the Funko Pop Heroes. This is the Christmas
00:08Harley Quinn with Helper.
00:11Harley Quinn has Harley in her hair and her hyena Helper by her side this
00:32holiday season. Collect pop Harley Quinn with Helper to join the Joker in your DC
00:37sets. It's Christmas. Maybe I shouldn't be calling her Harley Quinn. I should be
00:40calling her Holly Quinn. Or maybe I shouldn't. Before we get a closer look at the DC
00:45superheroes Harley Quinn with Helper, let's take the tape measure and see how
00:48first of all how tall Harley Quinn stands. If you include the buns on the
00:52back of her head, she's actually about four and a half inches in height. So that
00:54translates though to a pop that's about eleven and a half centimeters tall. Then
00:59on to her Helper, which is very very tiny. A Tiny Tim perhaps? I don't think you'd
01:03want to be anywhere near this version of Tiny Tim. The Helper though, Hyena, is
01:07actually two inches in height. Translating though to a figure that's
01:11five centimeters tall. And ho ho ho, how about this? Just a slide over the
01:17Hyena and the Harley Quinn. I did want to bring in the box so you guys could have
01:19a look at the back of that. You know though, in hindsight, I probably should
01:23have got around to picking up the other figures because there's some pretty cool
01:26offerings from Funko this holiday season. Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and the
01:30Flash were all really cool. But if I was to get myself a Harley Quinn and Hyena, I
01:34think the Clown Prince of Crime would have been an ideal addition to having
01:38already this one on display. Again, I might just maybe go back at the time I
01:42picked these up from Retro Fest that there was a big sale. I think as far as
01:45you know, the sale is still going on. Although we're getting pretty close to
01:48the time that the Fat Man comes down the chimney. I don't know what likelihood I'm
01:51now gonna be able to get the Joker. I'm gonna see if I get my hands on him. Let's
01:55just move that out of the way. Harley Quinn though does come included with the
01:58display stand. I would say the display stand is ever crucial. There's one thing
02:02unfortunately though about the figure. She does have everything decked out here
02:05in Christmas. Unfortunately though, her mallet seems to be one thing that's
02:08always getting in the way. Without the display stand, as I just take this off
02:12right now, it's just a regular clear acrylic display stand with one lone peg
02:15just off on its own sitting in the far corner on a stool where Tiny Tim once
02:20sat. Unfortunately though, well without having that, one thing that you'll notice
02:24though is that the mallet sort of gets in the way. Ultimately it kind of feels at
02:27times like it wants to knock Harley Quinn off her rocker. Even though the
02:31character really is already off her rocker. So while having that peg on the
02:34bottom, that peg hole on the bottom of her feet, utilize the things that Funko
02:37provides to us and make use of that display stand. Again, it's just gonna
02:40attach onto the bottom of her feet. And again, like even if you look at this, you
02:44can see like how low that mallet sits. Let's just put the display stand on.
02:48Actually, you know what? For all that talk of me dribbling on, I'm just gonna leave
02:51it off to the side for at least right now. I'll come back to that for final
02:53looks. Getting though a closer look at Harley Quinn, the one thing I really like
02:56about the character is the fact that they found the way to incorporate so
02:58many of the greens and the reds. Traditionally though, Harley Quinn would
03:01be known for red. But then instead of green, it would be traditionally black.
03:05Although I will say though the green works really well. And it's enough though
03:08of the character that you still recognize who it is. One thing I also
03:11really like is that they airbrushed areas around her eyes very subtly. So
03:15very subtly. The green on the one side, the off red or slightly more of a darker
03:20pink on the other side. And of course then they alternate those colors of the
03:23red on the dips of hair that she has on this side and the back of her braids
03:26there too. She also has, as mentioned already, that she's got some Ivy there on
03:30the top of her head. It's Holly. Holly on the top of her head. Really again it's a
03:34nice looking figure. Again down below we've got ourselves some jingle bells
03:38down below on the bottom of her skirting. I love the way that they've also given
03:42her sort of candy striping here for tights. Green on one, red on the other.
03:46Everything about this again is alternating colors to the point where
03:49even again, like if you're looking at the mallet, they even has nicely wrapped this
03:53up. Maybe for a secret Santa. I don't know if again I would want any secret
03:56Santa items for Joker or Harley Quinn for that matter. She does hold it really
04:00well in her hand. Obviously this is just molded to the rest of her body. If you
04:03look at the back of it, just as good as it does from the front. Although you're
04:06probably not gonna have Harley Quinn displayed like that. Who in their right
04:08mind is gonna put Harley Quinn on a mantle or a shelf for that matter where
04:12the figures face in the opposite way? Anybody? Nobody. Coloring of the hair
04:16looks good. Again like the coloring overall for the greens and the reds that
04:19they've used. Very much again like Christmas colors but it works very well
04:22with a character like Harley Quinn. Articulation, if you blink you'll miss it.
04:26All that she really has at her disposal is just her head rotation. That's all
04:30you're really gonna be getting. But again like you know as a standard Funko Pop
04:33usually goes, I mean a head rotation is more than enough for me. Let's just get
04:37her on her display base and then we'll focus our efforts over to the tiny
04:40little hyena. I love the fact that they actually included her little helper.
04:44Literally Harley's little helper. The helper itself unfortunately though has
04:48little to no articulation. Little to no. Actually he has no articulation. Can't
04:53rotate the head or anything like that. I mean generally when you get a thing
04:56something small like this in size, don't expect at all to have anything that
05:00moves on the figure. Although it would have been a nice Christmas treat had
05:04that they found a way to incorporate some head articulation. I know you're not
05:07gonna be able to move the head up down and mostly it would only just be swivel
05:10back and forth but I feel like that would be a small treat to pay. I don't
05:14mind paying a little bit extra had Funko found a way to incorporate that
05:17into the helper. The hyena looks like he's generally ticked off. I mean you
05:21want to consider Max having to be forced to dress like a reindeer. You can only
05:25imagine the excitement this hyena is thinking right now. He just looks
05:28generally just unhappy with the overall mood of the things. Of course he does
05:32have the antlers there on the top of the head. That almost looks like for a second
05:35it was mistletoe. I mean if it was mistletoe you wouldn't want to get
05:39anywhere near the mug of this thing. But actually what in fact they've done is
05:42they've painted the top of his mohawk all a nice green. Green is down the back
05:46there as well. They haven't painted the tail which is actually one thing I was
05:49kind of expecting them to do as well. But of course you got yourself your
05:51traditional hyena spots all across his body. It's a well-painted figure even
05:56though again like it doesn't do anything at all. Of course the undercarriage of
05:59that too. It doesn't really require any pegs nor does it need a display stand. I
06:03mean the fact that it's stactioned like this it's doing exactly what it needs to
06:07do. You know again like sliding everything over here I know I kind of
06:10have been abundantly looking at Funko Pops strangely there this Christmas
06:14season. My heart seems to have grown three times more when it comes to Funko
06:17Pop love. Generally though that wasn't in the case any other year. But again like
06:21looking at the box again maybe I could have easily passed on all of these. Maybe
06:25I don't know maybe I might go and end up picking up Batman but certainly though I
06:29was surprised that I never got around to picking up Joker. For the fact though
06:32that Retro Festive had the sale going on I think the sale again is still
06:36going on right now. When I picked up the Harley Quinn and added her to my cart
06:40the Clown Prince of Crime should have come right behind her and I should
06:44have picked up the two for $12 apiece. In the end though while not having the
06:47Clown Prince of Crime the Joker I'm sure will be something I will pick up
06:50eventually. Harley Quinn though and her little helper Tiny Tim would have been a
06:54perfect name to call the little hyena. Still though it's a nice welcomed
06:58addition to what seems to be a quite large collection of Funko Pops this
07:01holiday season. But again a Harley Quinn decked out in the Christmas colors works
07:05very well for not only a fan of Christmas but a fan of Harley Quinn as
07:09well. Any sane person would know to keep the cratches far away from Harley Quinn
07:14because if anything she would be a bad influence on Tiny Tim. Tim's got enough
07:18problems this Christmas season without having to contend and worry about Harley
07:22Quinn especially considering she's got her own Tiny Tim that being the little
07:25hyena. The hyena though is a nice little touch. I mean to be fair though even if
07:30the hyena wasn't included with Harley Quinn just the look of the colors that
07:33they've given her would have been more than enough for me to add this one to
07:36the cart. But the fact that then also they sweeten the deal by adding that
07:40hyena is a nice welcomed addition of at least the superheroes even though I
07:44wouldn't consider Harley Quinn to be part of that superhero. On the back she's
07:48actually the only one that comes included with an accessory. Joker to
07:52some extent I think came included with a Santa sack but Harley Quinn is the one
07:55that has a standalone little figurine and even though the hyena doesn't have
07:59any head pose ability again a nice little treat to go along with Harley.
08:03Again I did end up ordering this one online. I don't think at all the fact
08:07that the prices were marked down over at Retro Festive was the nudge that I
08:10needed. I think I kind of already had an idea in mind that I wanted to pick up
08:13the Harley Quinn this holiday. Now having of course her I could really now see
08:17myself going back and picking up the Joker. Will the Joker arrive in time? I
08:21mean nobody knows. I mean most of the time that now people are trying to order
08:25anything Christmas related they know already. This is especially when you look
08:28at the I think everybody kind of has hopeful hopes that when they add things
08:32to their cart and it goes to checkout the estimated delivery date is going to
08:36just be before Christmas but who are we kidding even if you order anything from
08:39Amazon now that the delivery time is always usually expected to be the first
08:43week of January. So for those that at one that order all their stuff Christmas
08:46related online you missed your window. The window is gone. What do you guys
08:51don't think of Harley Quinn? Let me know down below in the comment section. Have
08:55you guys been collecting any of these holiday themed Funko Pop superheroes? If
08:58you guys also did enjoy this video do it a solid. Throw a like. You guys want
09:02to stick around for more so hope so. We are gonna I know we're coming down to
09:06the wire when it comes to Christmas related items but we are gonna be
09:09looking at a couple of more holiday related videos in the coming days of
09:12course leading down to the man coming down the chimney. No I hope that's not
09:16the Joker. If it is the Joker I don't think you want to be opening up any
09:19presents that you're gonna be finding underneath the tree but there's more
09:22videos though coming your way so as always thanks for watching. See you guys
09:25next time.
