• 2 months ago
Follow along as a handful of survivalist battle brutal weather and living conditions on Great Slave Lake. | dHNfX1JWQkh2M1hvSWM


00:00We don't hunt for sport out here.
00:09We hunt for survival, and we hunt for protection.
00:14You get minus 30, minus 40, minus 50, not for a day, not for a week, for months.
00:22Every decision you make is going to be quite possibly life or death.
00:27We're sinking.
00:28We're taking on water right now.
00:29There's a life jacket right here.
00:30This house can go boom.
00:31I know my crazy.
00:32Do you?
00:35I think we're frozen in again.
00:37Happy as a pig on a swing in the park.
00:38Even walking your dog at this point gets to be quite the challenge.
00:39You piss on the fuel pump, it melts the ice, and the gas can come through.
00:45Seeing this kind of freedom, this type of life, you know, I was just like, oh.
01:02Nothing excess, just a beautiful way of life.
01:06I'm happy being house-born.
01:08Let's get our shit and go.
