• 2 months ago
A gray Kia hit a stroller with a nine-month-old baby on Zavodskaya Street in St. Petersburg — at that moment, a woman was pushing it along the side of the road. After the collision, the driver disappeared into the sunset, and the child was hospitalized.

In the evening, the St. Petersburg woman decided to take a walk with her baby, but for some reason along the edge of the roadway. During the walk with the stroller, the lady was glued to her phone and did not notice a car approaching from behind.

At the last moment, the driver turned the steering wheel and miraculously did not knock the woman off her feet, but did not avoid a full collision. As a result, the stroller turned over, and the baby flew out of it. He was taken to the hospital in a moderate condition — doctors diagnosed a fracture of the parietal bone. Law enforcement officers began searching for the culprit of the accident.


