Darbara Singh, infamously known as the "Baby Killer," terrorized Punjab in the 1990s with his heinous crimes. This video delves into the chilling details of his life, his monstrous acts, and the justice that followed.
Disclaimer:All of the source material used in this video that does not belong to me is ONLY for editorial purposes. I have fully credited the video source in the list below, with gratitude. Special thanks to blogs , news posts and Google and the various websites where I collected the crime stories and the images used in this video. If there still seems to be a problem, please reach out to me.
Special thanks:
Your Researches:
Darbara Singh
Baby Killer
Punjab crimes
Indian serial killers
Child murder cases
Crime stories
True crime India
Darbara Singh history
Infamous Indian criminals
Ariba Aslam
Darbara Singh case details
Disclaimer:All of the source material used in this video that does not belong to me is ONLY for editorial purposes. I have fully credited the video source in the list below, with gratitude. Special thanks to blogs , news posts and Google and the various websites where I collected the crime stories and the images used in this video. If there still seems to be a problem, please reach out to me.
Special thanks:
Your Researches:
Darbara Singh
Baby Killer
Punjab crimes
Indian serial killers
Child murder cases
Crime stories
True crime India
Darbara Singh history
Infamous Indian criminals
Ariba Aslam
Darbara Singh case details