• 2 months ago
This is the first in-depth video of the series: «The Evidence».
For the Christmas period, the theme chosen was the date of birth of Jesus.

The first Christians certainly knew it but, as Jesus had commanded, instead of remembering his birth, they celebrated only his death.

With the arrival of freedom from persecution, after about 300 years, the Roman Emperors decided to unite the feast of Saturnalia, which took place on December 25, with that of the birth of Jesus.
So it happened, that since then the birth of Jesus has always been celebrated on December 25.

In reality, many today know that that is not the date of his birth but, despite everything, it continues to be celebrated.
However, no one still knows the exact date of Jesus' birth.

The following video gives a fairly in-depth explanation starting from celestial events if they occurred 2000 years ago.
Based on the events and the story of the Three Wise Men, we can calculate the exact date of His birth and, even more importantly, that of His death.

In fact, the video reserves a surprise that is precisely related to the anniversary of Christ's death.

The video clip series “the Evidence” explains what is really happening in these particular times and what future events will be.
The videos are divided into two groups: the first deals with exceptional astronomical events that will happen and the second the Biblical signs of the end times.
The studies both lead to an epochal conclusion: the return of Jesus is imminent.


