The announcement that North-east Arnhem land's multi-million-dollar aerospace operation is packing up and leaving is sparking uncertainty about the region's economic future. With Rio Tinto’s mining operation also winding down on the Gove Peninsula, a growing number of Yolngu are looking to tourism for new sources of income.
00:00On the pristine shores of Australia's far north, a major deconstruction project is underway.
00:09It's still some years before Rio Tinto leaves for good, but residents are already thinking
00:15If we don't start now, it's going to be too late when it does close.
00:23And with news another major employer is dropping future plans for Newell & Boy's Space Age,
00:28locals have no choice but to look to other frontiers.
00:34Newell & Boy local, Arion Pearson, grew up fishing in both the Yungal and Western traditions
00:40and wants to translate his passion into profit.
00:43One day I'd like to own and operate my own fishing tours and incorporate some of that
00:50traditional learning into the fishing as well.
00:54One of several Yungal traditional owners exploring opportunities in tourism.
00:59But to ensure success, the region needs more accommodation and a wider range of activities
01:04to draw in tourists.
01:06Knowing that you might get to do that two or three times a month isn't enough for people
01:11to choose that as what they do to make a living.
01:13So what we really need to do is grow the visitor economy so that tourism is a legitimate option
01:17for people.
01:19RMNT says small scale cruises could be a solution, with multiple operators keen to
01:24launch bespoke expeditions.
01:27And the government is spending $8 million on new infrastructure at the Newel & Boy boat
01:31ramp to support fishing charters, yachts and small cruises.
01:36There's also interest in repurposing Rio Tinto's refinery wharf to support larger vessels.
01:42But sustainability is front of mind for traditional owners.
01:46If we work together from a Yolngu perspective and Yolngu visions, I think you'll see a
01:52more sustainable future in tourism and in development.
01:58Time for creative thinking to forge a path forward.