• 2 months ago
Lavender Fields stars Jolina Magdangal, Jodi Sta. Maria, Jericho Rosales, and Janine Gutierrez during the finale presscon for their show.

#lavenderfields #pepgoesto #pepvideo

Video: Rachelle Siazon
Edit: Rommel Llanes

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00:00That connection, right?
00:02Everytime I see one of them, or one of you, I feel like we have something to talk about that we can go back to.
00:09Because you're from different generations, right?
00:11Ahead is Echo, followed by Jodie, then you, and then Janine, who's a bit of a kid.
00:17Like, oh, Echo, say something to Echo.
00:20Thank you, EJ, for using the word ahead.
00:23I love you, really.
00:24You're the perfect moderator, really.
00:27Julia, forever.
00:29On the other side, wow.
00:31I also have white hair.
00:33So, you'll miss Madrama.
00:35I'll miss it, I'll miss it.
00:36Because this is also a different kind of comedy.
00:39In live, in interviews, in Magandang Buhay, it's different.
00:43You're like that.
00:44Yes, everything, everything, really.
00:46I'm sweating at the beginning, but I feel like I'm being demonstrated.
00:49Because I don't want people to see that I'm a dramatic person.
00:51But I'm sad that...
00:54The sudden cut, right?
00:55We're always working, and then suddenly...
00:57November ended, right?
00:59That's when Christmas came, and then the TV ended.
01:02But, we'll see each other again.
01:03Of course, yes.
01:04Now, right?
01:05That's it.
01:07And of course, like I said, three years, she was one of our best...
01:11New entry, freshest entry in Dreamscape.
01:14Thank you so much.
01:17It was because of the day and Janine.
01:19And now she consistently does projects with us.
01:23And we're so happy.
01:24She's always non-stop.
01:26She never fails to deliver.
01:27Janine Gafiel.
01:31Your work in Dreamscape is also beautiful.
01:34Yes, I'm so lucky.
01:35It's experimental, right?
01:38You're the one who did Love It, right?
01:40Oh, I did Sleep With Me.
01:41Yes, yes.
01:42Wow, I'm really thankful to Sir Leo.
01:46Because when I was watching them earlier,
01:48Ate Jodie and Ate Jolyonce in As Of Stage,
01:51I was like, wow, this is just my dream.
01:54I was laughing.
01:55So you were just watching them?
01:56Of course.
01:57And I didn't think...
02:00I mean, of course, it's my dream.
02:02But at the same time, sometimes you don't know if your dreams will come true, right?
02:06So it's just there at the back of your head.
02:08Hoping that, you know, maybe someday.
02:09When you did Dabing Ilo and PSY, how old were you?
02:12I don't know.
02:13Oh my God, Eko was the one who originally promised you.
02:17You were just watching Eko.
02:19But it's funny, Sir EJ, because...
02:24I don't want to wrap this up.
02:26No, because there are a lot of compilations on Instagram
02:31that I'm saying who are the people I want to work with.
02:35Jericho, Ate Jodie.
02:37Of course, Ate Jolyonce, I was with her in As Of before,
02:39but we're both in the same tele-series.
02:42So it's really funny that my wishes are coming true.
02:46So thank you to Dreamscape and ABS-CBN.
02:48And of course, to all the fans who are supporting me
02:51because they're giving me a chance.
02:53My dreams are really coming true.
02:55You just stopped, so there's nothing you can reveal from what was signed.
02:58What was signed?
03:00Maybe we'll just announce it.
03:03So I'm so grateful. Thank you.
03:06And of course, as I said, Sir Leo must be smiling because it's already continued.
03:09Thank you, Sir Leo.
03:11And Jericho Rosales.
03:14Thank you again.
03:15We won't stop thanking you.
03:18You have no idea how much.
03:19Ate Jolie was so appreciative.
03:21She told me that she's happy that I accepted her.
03:25The laughter feels...
03:26It's so...
03:28I can't...
03:30I already created the show.
03:32I can't deny it.
03:34When you came back, it was also true.
03:36Because it should be a guesting show, right?
03:38Then I said, no, it should continue.
03:40But it's still a bit in.
03:42But I'm so happy. Thank you.
03:45I always tell this.
03:48I owe a lot to Dreamscape.
03:50Not to Deo.
03:53He always has an offer.
03:55The shows always get paid.
03:59I just want to be a bum.
04:02You want to be a rock star, right?
04:04It's still there.
04:05No, no, no. It was really an experiment.
04:07It was really a long time coming.
04:09To be able to work with Dreamscape.
04:11When I went to ABS.
04:13It just so happens that...
04:15Hey, we have a show for you.
04:17And then they...
04:19They just passed me.
04:21Game, game.
04:25And then so...
04:27I'm so happy.
04:31I'll just tell you personally.
04:33I don't want to be jealous of other people.
04:35But I had a really great time.
04:37With Dreamscape.
04:39And it was such a nice feeling.
04:41You have a different aura now.
04:42Of course.
04:43So handsome. So fresh.
04:44Thank you so much.
04:45I like the hair.
04:46Thank you so much, DJ.
04:47I know.
04:49Anyway, yeah. So thank you.
04:51Lavender Fields really...
04:54Made my 2024 super memorable.
04:57I hope your movie continues this year.
04:59It will continue.
05:00We will be shooting next month.
05:02I admire your energy so much.
05:04Thank you so much.
05:05Thank you so much.
05:06Thank you, DJ.
05:07And of course, another...
05:09She made it to the top A-list.
05:11Jodie Santamaria.
05:12Mars, how was the journey?
05:14The Lavender Fields journey.
05:16I would say...
05:18First of all, of course, it was exciting.
05:21Because it's like...
05:23Well, I've been in this industry for...
05:26X number of years.
05:27I don't know how many I've said.
05:29And then I've always wanted to do something new.
05:32I said, I just want to be different.
05:35And then...
05:36I'm just so blessed that...
05:38I was given a program...
05:41Or a genre that I've never done before.
05:45For 20 plus...
05:46Almost 24, 25 years.
05:48X number of years.
05:53So I was given a chance to make a genre that...
05:57I've never done before.
05:59And I must say that...
06:01It wasn't easy.
06:03It was very challenging.
06:04But at the same time...
06:05It's fun to have those kinds of experiences.
06:08Because that's where we learn.
06:10That's where we grow.
06:11And I must say that...
06:12I've learned a lot from this show.
06:15I'm blessed to have...
06:19To have worked with...
06:20You know...
06:21Excellent and talented people.
06:24Thank you to you.
06:25Thank you to everyone who was with me.
06:27It was a dream come true.
06:28To everyone who was with me.
06:31It was a beautiful journey.
06:33I'm not gonna say that it was easy.
06:36But as they say...
06:38The harder the conflict...
06:40The more glorious the triumph.
06:42So I think...
06:43That's what's special about Lavender Fields.
06:47Even if you say that...
06:51There are challenges along the way.
06:53But maybe that's what...
06:56Creativity, artistry, and whatever we need...
07:01For our roles...
07:03And of course...
07:04We can't put aside...
07:08What our writers and creative team gave us.
07:14It's not easy to make a story.
07:16It's not easy to make a series.
07:18It's hard to make characters.
07:24It's not just one person.
07:28It's a group of people.
07:31It's a group of people.
07:33It's a program that I can't leave.
07:37I'm catching up with other shows.
07:39I'm catching up with other shows.
07:41And I'm catching up with this one.
07:43Can you think of the challenges that Joey is saying?
07:46I'm just cold.
07:49I'm cold.
07:50Maybe he's not used to the cold.
07:53It's been a while since you've been cold.
07:56Yes, it's been a while.
07:59I'm getting used to you.
08:01I'm getting used to you.
08:04But it's a fun journey.
