• 2 months ago
दिल्ली: सीएजी रिपोर्ट को लेकर बीजेपी नेता मनजिंदर सिंह सिरसा ने अरविंद केजरीवाल पर निशाना साधते हुए कहा कि अरविंद केजरीवाल क्या छुपा रहे हैं? उन्हें किस बात का डर है? बताया जा रहा है कि शीश महल पर 100 करोड़ रुपये खर्च किए गए हैं, जो किसी भी मुख्यमंत्री का सबसे महंगा आवास है। किसी मुख्यमंत्री या यहां तक ​​कि प्रधानमंत्री ने इतना बड़ा घर नहीं बनवाया है। लेकिन अरविंद केजरीवाल ने इतने करोड़ खर्च किए हैं तो आप कल्पना कर सकते हैं कि शीश महल कैसा होगा। मैं अरविंद केजरीवाल से कहना चाहता हूं कि आप मोदी जी को जितनी गाली देना चाहें दे सकते हैं, सुबह-शाम, कोई दिक्कत नहीं है। मोदी जी का दिल बड़ा है और वो आपको माफ कर देंगे।

#arvindkejriwal #aap #aamaadmiparty #bjp #pmmodi #cmkejriwal #atishi #delhi


00:00Why is Mr. Arvind Kejriwal stopping this?
00:03What is he hiding? What is he afraid of?
00:06Because it is being heard that Rs. 100 crore has been spent on that house.
00:10This is the biggest house built in the country.
00:13No Chief Minister has built such a big house.
00:15No Prime Minister has built such a big house.
00:18But Mr. Arvind Kejriwal has spent so much money and is telling people that he is living in a two-room house.
00:24A house with a 10-10 lakh rupee wall and a toilet seat will cost Rs. 10-10 lakh.
00:30So you can imagine how that house will look like.
00:33That is why he is scared today.
00:35He has understood that he has committed such a big sin.
00:37How much money did he take from this?
00:39His budget has increased by three times.
00:41He used to say that he saved money in flyers.
00:43He found out that it was all fraud.
00:45He had a budget of Rs. 30 crore in his own house.
00:47He has spent three times more than that.
00:49So how much money has Mr. Arvind Kejriwal spent?
00:51Why will the audit report be stopped?
00:53The report should be brought forward so that the milk and water can be distributed equally.
00:56I cannot say such bad things about any woman.
01:00But I want to say that Mr. Arvind Kejriwal has a government.
01:03Why don't you give him money?
01:05Give him Rs. 2100.
01:07Who is stopping you?
01:08We tell our sisters and daughters, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, why don't you give?
01:11You have a government.
01:13Congress will say that they will give later.
01:15The BJP will say that they will give.
01:16We don't have a government.
01:17But you should give.
01:18You have Rs. 100 crore for your house.
01:20Why don't you give Rs. 2100 for your sisters and daughters?
01:22Why don't you give Rs. 2000?
01:24Why are you doing fraud?
01:26You should give Rs. 2000.
01:28I want to say to Mr. Arvind Kejriwal that you can abuse Mr. Modi as much as you want.
01:33You can abuse him day and night.
01:35We don't have any problem.
01:36Mr. Modi has a big heart.
01:38He will forgive you.
01:39But instead of abusing him,
01:41it would be better if you give Rs. 2100 to your sisters and daughters.
01:43Instead of abusing him,
01:45it would be better if you give him a report worth Rs. 100 crore.
01:49Instead of abusing him,
01:51it would be better if you give him a report worth Rs. 100 crore.
01:53And it would be better if you give him the money you gave your friends worth Rs. 100 crore.
01:57I want to say to him that
01:59abusing Mr. Modi will not help Mr. Kejriwal.
02:02You can abuse him as much as you want.
02:04But we appeal to you to give Rs. 2100 to your sisters and daughters.
