• 2 months ago
HMPV Virus in India: चीन में ह्यूमन मेटान्यूमोवायरस (एचएमपीवी) का प्रकोप तेजी से बढ़ रहा है. जिसको लेकर कोरोना वायरस के बाद एक बार फिर पूरी दुनिया में हड़कंप मच गया है. भारत के के लिए दुख की बात है कि इस देश में भी भी एचएमपीवी वायरस के मामले सामने आने लगे हैं.

#hmpv #hmpvvirus #chinavirusoutbreak #covidcomparison #healthalert #BREAKINGNEWS #Bengaluru #delhigovt #hmvpchina #hmvpIndia #china #latestnews #hindinews #gujarat


00:00In China, the spread of Human Meta-Pneumovirus is increasing rapidly, which has caused a stir all over the world once again after the coronavirus.
00:09It is a sad news for India that the cases of HMPV have also started to emerge in this country.
00:14This morning, there was news that a child in Bengaluru, Karnataka has been found to be HMPV positive.
00:20But after that, more cases have emerged day by day.
00:24Where have these cases come from and how many cases have come before HMPV, let's find out in the video.
00:30After Bengaluru, Karnataka, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, a two-month-old child's report has also come positive.
00:36And the child is being treated in a private hospital.
00:39But after the third case of HMPV was found in the country, there was a stir.
00:43In India, so far, three cases of HMPV have emerged.
00:46Two of them are from Karnataka, and now another case has emerged from Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
00:51The child has symptoms of cold and fever.
00:53According to a lab of a private hospital, the child's HMPV report has come positive.
00:57The child is from a village near Modasa, and the child's health is normal at the moment.
01:02According to media reports, the Gujarat Health Department has also issued a health advisory on Monday.
01:07The department has advised people to cover their face and nose with a handkerchief if they cough or sneeze.
01:16If you are sick, avoid going to public places.
01:19And if you have a breathing problem, see a doctor immediately.
01:23HMPV virus mainly affects the respiratory system of the affected person.
01:28Its symptoms are similar to those of COVID-19 in many cases.
01:32However, this virus mainly infects infants and small children.
01:37The most common symptom of this virus infected patient is cough.
01:41And along with that, there may be problems such as mild fever, runny nose, runny nose, or cough in the throat.
01:48After being infected with the virus, there may be serious symptoms in some cases and difficulty in breathing.
01:53That is, the spread of HMPV is increasing very fast.
01:57And not just one, but three cases have come forward today.
02:01That's all in the video. How did you find this information?
02:03And what do you have to say about HMPV virus?
02:06Do tell by commenting.
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