• 2 months ago
গোটা এলাকার অপরিষ্কার নোংরা আবর্জনা বিনা পরিশ্রমিকেই পরিষ্কার করে আসছেন বাঁকুড়ার বাসিন্দা অশোক পাল। পরিষ্কার পরিচ্ছন্নতাই নেশা এই ব্যক্তির।

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বাঁকুড়ার প্রত্যন্ত গ্রাম থেকে 'কর্তব্য পথে' রিয়া, পা মেলাবেন ২৬ এর প্যারেডে! জার্নিটা শুনলে স্যালুট জানাবেন :: https://bengali.oneindia.com/news/purulia-bankura/bankuras-college-student-riya-will-join-26th-january-parade-at-delhi-265303.html?ref=DMDesc



00:30Narudar is the favourite of all the young and old people of this area.
00:34Even now, even at this age, he is able to plough 5 km of land alone.
00:40But he does it without any effort.
00:44At the age of 12, he has ploughed the same field that he is ploughing now.
00:49I have done everything according to my own wish.
00:52I have done everything according to my own wish.
00:56At the age of 12, I have ploughed the same field that I have ploughed now.
01:01I have not listened to anyone.
01:03My family has insulted me a lot.
01:06My family has insulted me a lot.
01:08Why am I doing this?
01:09Why am I doing this?
01:10What is the need for this?
01:12I have been thinking like this.
01:14I have not listened to anyone.
01:16How do you feel about the police?
01:19I feel good about the police.
01:24I have seen the police and I feel good about them.
01:28I feel good about them.
01:30That is why I am doing this.
01:32The people of this area know that he ploughs the land without any effort.
01:37The people of this area know that he ploughs the land without any effort.
01:41He never gives anyone a cup of tea.
01:44He never gives anyone a cup of tea.
01:47That is what the villagers know.
01:49I have been doing this since childhood.
01:52How do you feel about the police?
01:53The police does a good job.
01:54They stop people who don't do their job for 2-5 days.
01:57They stop people who don't do their job for 2-5 days.
02:01I think that this police office will be very strong.
02:05They prevent people from working.
02:08They prevent people from working.
02:09They keep doing it without any reason.
02:10I have seen it since I was a kid.
02:11Bachaw da was 34 years old.
02:12I have seen it since I was a kid.
02:14And they make a noose out of people forcefully.
02:16And they make a noose out of people forcefully.
02:21But he is not in this strange state today.
02:24Since childhood, without any hope of getting anything,
02:28he has been engaged in road cleaning work.
02:32Currently, due to his age,
02:35even if he hears a little less in the ear,
02:37he does not eat.
02:39In the morning, he ties a stick on his head,
02:41takes a handful of grass in his hand,
02:43and goes out on the village road, Mr. Ashok.
02:46All day, the village road, roadside,
02:49even if he gets wet, he walks home.
02:52If anyone wants to hear in the middle of this,
02:55at what age he is,
02:57he does not hesitate to listen to a few dialogues
03:00or poems of Jatrapala.
03:04I am a farmer.
03:06Your courage is not less.
03:08Enter Rajprasad.
03:10If I go, I will give you Ganga water.
03:14Hussain, I was born and brought up,
03:18but my mother did not give birth to me.
03:21All the problems that did not exist,
03:23were solved by the government.
03:26I used to go to the Sultan's palace in Sonarpalankhet.
03:32But, but what Hussain, suddenly...
