• 2 months ago
00:30know, um, right. I hope so. Uh, let's let's start. So thank you so much for speaking to
00:38me and I, uh, first and foremost question. Uh, of course, your thought, uh, your first
00:43reaction to this latest announcement made by Justin Trudeau that he has designed, uh,
00:50on this position. Yeah. So he just announced his resignation from, uh, liberal, uh, leadership
01:04and then subsequently prime ministership. Once there is a new liberal leader in a process
01:10that he will say, uh, months ahead. So at some points, everyone Canada is very happy
01:17because, uh, people are happy that Justin Trudeau had to walk down the steps, go in
01:22front of the camera and say, I failed. Well, he said, I was the greatest prime minister
01:27ever. I'm amazing. Everyone loved me. But, but the only problem in the last 10 years
01:31is it wasn't enough Trudeau. Um, and for that, I'm, I'm sorry. Um, but he's staying on as
01:40prime minister for now. We have a liberal leadership race. We have parliament prorogued
01:44until the middle of March things happening. They're going to have to come back in March
01:48to pass something. So we're looking at a summer election, uh, which is kind of where we all
01:55predicted things would go. This is, um, a consequence of, uh, I think, you know, the
02:00new Trump administration is pretty clear. The liberals had no plans whatsoever for Trump
02:05getting back in office. They spent the last eight years, uh, making Trump bad, a central
02:10part of their foreign and domestic policy. Um, that, that was really destabilizing to
02:16Canada US relations. It like was fine when Biden was in office, but, um, standard foreign
02:21policy international relations, um, don't take sides in the internal politics of your
02:27allies. Um, that's just not what you should do. It's what we, um, did pretty consistently
02:32all the 10 years. So the Trump administration came in and decided to return the hostility
02:37back to the Trudeau administration, threatened the 25% tariffs. And I think that really pushed
02:41things along, um, and, and forced it out. So from a Canadian perspective, um, I think
02:48this might be very good because then we have the bargaining power to go, Hey, we know you
02:51hate Justin Trudeau. We don't really have a government right now. Wait to the results
02:56of this election. And then let's talk about trade deals and all this different stuff.
03:00Um, so it gives us a better, like sort of excuse to the Americans to just ask for a
03:05delay on all of this. Um, will it be granted? Who knows? Um, but effectively we're not going
03:12to have a government for the next two months, which is a vast improvement on the current
03:16government and a lot of people's estimations. And we will have a new liberal leadership,
03:20uh, race and a new liberal leader will come in. I have my own thoughts about the future
03:26of the liberal party, but, um, that's the story for another day. Um, but I think Canadians
03:31are quite happy, um, across the board to just be done with Trudeau. Now, do some people
03:36think, Oh, it's just Trudeau who did this? Or do the Canadians understand that this is
03:40actually the policies of the liberal party that have affected their lives? We'll find
03:45out. Um, if, if the, um, the hatred is more towards Trudeau or the liberals, I mean, there
03:50is a special type of condescending narcissism that, that Canadians have always found, um,
03:56off-putting in Justin Trudeau. Um, you know, uh, it started back in his first term, he
04:00accused small business owners, uh, doctors and lawyers of being tax cheats, um, while,
04:07uh, maintaining loopholes for his own trust fund. Um, so he, you know, passed a law called
04:14small business owners and doctors tax cheats and use that to then protect his own personal
04:18benefit because he comes from incredible wealth. Um, he comes from oil wealth and a future
04:22prime minister and then rails against, um, uh, nepotism and, um, the energy industry.
04:29It's sort of standard hypocrisy. So if you're an Indian and wondering why is he treating
04:33us unfairly, he's not, he's treating you the same way he treats Canadians with contempt
04:37and hypocrisy and condescending. So in a sense, he, he treats you like you really are his,
04:42his people, um, with the true contempt of, that he has for the average Canadian he does
04:47have for you as well. Um, so I think everyone's in a good mood in Canada over this. Um, there's
04:52just a hard, I mean, if you watch the CBC, the news media, especially the CBC, um, it
04:58is kind of funny right now. It's sort of like a.
