• 2 months ago
Linda De Sousa Abreu: Prison Officer Jailed For 15 Months After Sex With Inmate In Cell


00:00Your conduct and the harm caused was immensely serious.
00:04Even allowing for all the mitigation, I have weighed the need
00:08for the strong deterrent element of an immediate sentence
00:12against the factors that might lean towards suspension
00:16and concluded that immediate custody is necessary,
00:19albeit shorter than it could otherwise have been.
00:24Lenda de Souza Abru, stand up.
00:31The sentence on you is one of 15 months' imprisonment.
00:35Of that, you will serve half in custody
00:38unless the prison authorities decide to release you earlier.
00:42The remainder, you will serve on licence.
00:45You've been subject to a qualifying curfew for 190 days
00:49and that entitles you to a credit of 95 days against that sentence.
00:56There are no financial orders I can make
00:59save to record that the surcharge provisions set by Parliament apply.
01:03I direct payment in 28 days and make a collection order.
01:07Copies of the pre-sentence report and psychiatric reports
01:11will accompany you into custody.
01:14I shall ask the Isleworth liaison practitioner
01:17to liaise with the prison in-reach team.
01:20You may now go with the officer.
