• last month
A group of seven suspects are in custody after allegedly fleeing Detroit and Michigan State Police in a stolen car over the weekend.
00:00Units, this is track 5, please.
00:02Okay, coming up to track 5.
00:09Go on to track 5, a troop tried to stop it. It's south on Alden from Puritan. Go on track 5.
00:20We're in the red at Linden, still south on Livernois.
00:23Coming up to Ewald.
00:32Through the red at Ewald, still south on Livernois. Coming up to Oakman.
00:38It turned left on Oakman Boulevard, went east. East on Oakman, in from Livernois.
00:43Just west of Petoskey, looks like driver's doors open and passengers are out.
00:47Looks like 6, 7 are out right now, all running south.
00:52They're coming out from Duane over onto Elmhurst.
01:00They're all running in one house. I'll give you the address here.
01:20Alright, good, so I'm in an alley. They're going to be running back east on Petoskey, towards Petoskey.
01:29We got 3 in an alley right now.
01:35Alright, we've come into an alley. They're right there hiding. They're down on the ground.
01:43Watch crossfire 2, you both look at each other, both officers.
