• 2 months ago


00:00Welcome is not the job of drumming.
00:03Mr. Bamaniya and Mr. Diladhar welcomed us, we did not refuse.
00:07But I want to say that this is a time of struggle.
00:11All of us have to work together,
00:14and we have to beat the brick by brick,
00:16and we have to beat the government, which is behind the Janta Party.
00:21The 1 rupee kilo, 2 rupee kilo wheat grain that we are getting,
00:25the law has increased it.
00:28When the Congress government, the U.P.S. government was in Delhi,
00:33they gave the mandate to the tribals, to the poor,
00:36to give them the right to work,
00:38that you will get work, you will have to fill a form,
00:41and sign it and give it to them, you will get the right to work.
00:46When our Congress government was in Delhi,
00:50they forgave the debts of 72,000 crore farmers.
00:55They made the law to give rights to the tribals living in the forests.
01:01They made dams, roads, opened schools.
01:06And when our government came here,
01:09they gave a free treatment of 25 lakhs to the poor,
01:12free treatment for every person.
01:15They opened an English medium school.
01:18Today, 7.25 lakh children are studying in English medium schools for free.
01:24They will shut down their father's regime.
01:28Do you think this is a joke?
01:30We will conduct an inquiry.
01:32You conduct your own inquiry.
01:36Someone is roaming around with a stick.
01:39Someone is putting a ring on his lip.
01:43Someone is saying something.
01:46As soon as it is made, they will conduct an inquiry of 800 cases.
01:50They conducted an inquiry of 800 cases.
01:54Neither the minister nor the chief minister are doing anything.
01:59They are lying.
02:01You tell me.
02:03I want to ask you personally.
02:06In these 12 months, tell me one thing about the government of the Indian People's Party,
02:11that you got the benefit of a single rupee.
02:14Our mother, sister, youth, Dalit, backward,
02:19tell me the benefit of a single rupee.
02:22Thousands and thousands of people had given up their lives for the prosperity of this country.
02:29Instead of honoring the land of that king,
02:35the government of the Indian People's Party
02:40did the work of snatching the opportunity from here.
02:44What is this opportunity, friends, I want to say.
02:48Why was it given and why was it snatched?
02:51What loss will it cause?
02:53All of us, the workers of Congress,
02:58will have to go to villages and tell them.
03:03We will have to create awareness.
03:08Because today,
03:10our Congress has a history.
03:13That during the time of freedom of the country,
03:15when the people of the Indian People's Party and the RSS
03:20worked together with the British
03:23to do the work of freedom of expression,
03:26then the great sons of Congress,
03:31the workers of Congress, our tribal brothers,
03:35cut their necks and freed this country.
03:40Mahatma Gandhi was shot.
03:42He was shot.
03:45He knew that he could be killed.
03:51he never turned back and saw that
03:54he had to free this country.
03:56He agreed to take the bullet.
03:58Be it Bhagat Singh,
04:03be it Sukhdev,
04:05our freedom fighters
04:08sacrificed their lives.
04:11But he freed this country
04:14and gave it to all of us.
04:17And after this freedom,
04:20even after 70 years,
04:22if the Baswada district is not created,
04:27and when it is created,
04:29then they are doing the work of snatching it back.
04:33Why is their stomach aching?
04:35Why is their stomach aching, brother?
04:39What wrong had Baswada done?
04:42Didn't they have the right to become a representative?
04:46When the people of Baswada had the right,
04:50then to snatch it back,
04:53the work done by the Indian People's Party
04:56will cost them dearly.
