• 2 months ago
अनेक मुलं मालमत्ता मिळाल्यानंतर आपल्या आई-वडिलांना एकटं पाडतात. मात्र, अश्या मुलांना अद्दल घडवण्यासाठी कायद्याचा वापर केल्या जाऊ शकतो. तो कसा? जाणून घ्या सविस्तर...


00:00In 2007, the Central Government enacted a law
00:04in which the responsibility of taking care of the senior citizens
00:08was assigned to the parents and grandparents.
00:15In this, we do not take care of the parents,
00:26the son, the daughter, or the close relatives.
00:30These disputes need to be resolved as soon as possible.
00:33So, if they go to the court as usual,
00:37they will not be resolved as soon as possible.
00:39So, a new authority has to be created for this.
00:42The deputy collector is called the authority.
00:47It is the responsibility of the authority
00:49to resolve the disputes about not taking care of the senior citizens
00:53within the next 90 days.
00:56And even before the 90th day,
01:00the authority can issue an interim relief
01:03for the senior citizens.
01:06And if the senior citizen's order is violated,
01:08the authority can issue a warrant
01:10and their property can be confiscated.
01:13This is the law for the safety of the senior citizens.
01:18There was a case in the past
01:20where the senior citizens were given their property
01:25as a gift after they became senior citizens.
01:30Often, the property was transferred to them.
01:34And what happens next is that
01:36the children remain good to them until they take the property.
01:39And only after taking the property,
01:41they are allowed to leave the property.
01:46Now, there was a case in the past
01:49where if there is a claim in the gift certificate
01:53that this property is given to me as a gift,
01:58in return, my guardian or the giver will take care of me.
02:04And if he does not take care of me,
02:08then I have the right to take the property back.
02:12There was a case like this in the past.
02:15There was a case in the past
02:17in which the Supreme Court said
02:20that this law was created for the safety of the senior citizens.
02:28When a person gives a gift certificate,
02:34there is a word in it,
02:36that he gives it with love.
02:38This is the gift certificate.
02:40And if he does not take care of me,
02:43then the love and affection would have been fulfilled.
02:47That is why the Supreme Court has said
02:50that the court should not go into too much technical detail
02:54about whether the gift certificate had this or not.
03:00Because the main purpose of this case
03:03is the safety of the senior citizens.
03:06The main purpose is to take care of the senior citizens.
03:09So, if there is a dispute,
03:11then the gift certificate should be taken by the guardian or the giver.
03:18And if the guardian stops taking care of the senior citizens,
03:22then the senior citizens should be given justice.
03:27And the property should be given back to the senior citizens.
03:31This is what the Supreme Court has said.
03:33I think that this is a very good solution for the senior citizens.
03:41While the senior citizens are giving their property to their relatives,
03:50they should also keep in mind
03:53that they will take care of me.
03:56If I give this property, they will take care of me.
03:59If I give this property, they will take care of me every month.
04:04They will take care of my health.
04:06They will take care of my food.
04:08They will take care of my medicines.
04:10They will take care of my hospitalization.
04:12It would have been easier if they had stopped this.
04:15But if you look at the outcome now,
04:17then there is no need to stop this.
04:20This is what the Supreme Court has said.
04:22The meaning of giving the property
04:24is that they expect me to take care of it.
04:27And if I don't take care of it,
04:29then they should give it back to me.
04:31This is what the Supreme Court has said.
04:33In this, the Supreme Court can argue as per section 22.
04:35And in section 23,
04:37the Supreme Court can argue as per section 23.
04:39The Supreme Court can argue as per section 23.
04:41That the property should be given back.
04:43And for this,
04:45the senior citizens do not need a lawyer.
04:48They can stand by themselves.
04:51They have to make a simple request to the Deputy Collector.
04:55The Deputy Collector listens to this request.
04:57He takes evidence.
04:59And within 90 days,
05:01this request is made.
