• 2 months ago
Kebijakan harga gas bumi tertentu (HGBT) telah berakhir pada 31 Desember 2024 lalu dan belum ada tanda-tanda akan diperpanjang. Di sisi lain PGAS memiliki prospek positif dengan sejumlah inisiatif pengembangan infrastruktur pada Periode 2025-2027 yang berfokus pada percepatan transisi energi dan pengurangan emisi karbon.


00:00Earth's price policy has ended on December 31, 2024, and there are no signs that it will be extended.
00:12However, on the other hand, Pegasus has a positive prospect with a number of infrastructure development initiatives in 2025-2027
00:20focusing on the acceleration of energy transition and reduction of carbon emissions.
00:25Earth's price policy has ended on December 31, 2024, and there are no signs that it will be extended.
00:36This is predicted to have an impact on the performance of state-owned gas companies.
00:41The previous HGBT policy set the price of gas for 7 industry sectors, $ 6 per MMBTU.
00:48Due to the fact that the subsidy policy has not been extended, industry players must pay with commercial prices,
00:54i.e. $ 16.77 per MMBTU for the use of gas outside the gas allocation industry.
01:01For your information, HGBT is a policy from the government whose one of its aims is to increase competitiveness in the country.
01:09As a state-owned enterprise, PGN will support the government's policy to meet the needs of earth's gas energy to achieve the target of national economic growth.
01:18However, on the other hand, it has not been established that HGBT can have a negative impact on PGAS performance.
01:24Because you have to pay with commercial prices, the cost burden for consumers will increase.
01:29As a result, there is a potential that the demand will slow down,
01:32while so far the contribution of gas sales to the industry and commercial sector has contributed about 65% to the total income of the company.
01:41Nevertheless, PGAS has a positive prospect with a number of infrastructure development initiatives in the 2025-2027 period
01:49focusing on the acceleration of energy transition and carbon emission reduction.
01:53PGAS also needs gas infrastructure integration in Central Java to meet the needs of electricity generators, industry and households,
02:00as well as taking advantage of the gas supply from Andaman Block.
02:03For more information, please go to www.idx.org
