• 2 months ago


00:00What did the commissioner say when he met you today?
00:06He has assured us that the investigation will be carried out as soon as possible.
00:10He has also given instructions.
00:13I will give my statement today.
00:15After the statement, everything will be fine.
00:18What is the reason that the complaint has not been heard yet?
00:21The video of your son's murder has also gone viral.
00:23We came here for the same reason.
00:25Why hasn't the investigation been carried out yet?
00:27You will get the result very soon.
00:30What assurance did the commissioner give you today?
00:36He also talked to my wife, my wife and my children.
00:40He has assured that the investigation will be carried out as soon as possible.
00:43Is there any political pressure not to investigate the police?
00:46I have no information about this.
00:48What did he say when he met you?
00:51He also assured that justice will be served to you.
00:54He has assured us that the investigation will be carried out as soon as possible.
01:01What did you tell the police commissioner?
01:06There are 60 goons who can enter our house after Jeetu Yadav.
01:13Did you have any pressure from the police?
01:17No one has told me about this pressure.
01:20The truth is slowly coming in front of us.
01:23We are very close to the police.
01:25What did you feel when you met him?
01:28He assured me that justice will be served to me as soon as possible.
01:36Against whom did you ask for compensation?
01:38I asked for compensation for Jeetu Yadav and the goons who came here.
01:42What if you don't get justice?
01:44If I don't get justice, I will resign from the party and commit suicide.
01:49Jeetu Yadav will be held responsible for this.
