• 2 months ago
दिल्ली : चुनाव आयोग ने दिल्ली विधानसभा चुनाव की तारीखों का ऐलान कर दिया है। मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त राजीव कुमार ने प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में वोटों की गिनती में गड़बड़ी के आरोपों पर प्रतिक्रिया दी है। उन्होंने कहा, "आरोप लगते हैं कि डाले गए वोट और उनकी गिनती में मिसमैच हो गया। जब चुनाव का समय होता है, एक छोटी सी खबर आ जाती है जो लोगों को भ्रमित करती है। अगर कोई मशीन ऑन नहीं हुई या मॉक पोल का डाटा नहीं हटाया गया, 10.5 लाख में से दो-चार जगह ऐसा हो सकता है, उस मशीन को एक तरफ रख लिया जाता है। जब मतगणना पूरी हो जाती है, तब अगर जीत का अंतर उस मशीन से कम है तो वीवीपैट स्लिप की गिनती की जाती है। अन्यथा उसे किनारे कर दिया जाता है और वोटों की गिनती में उतनी ही कमी आती है, लेकिन चुनाव परिणाम पर इसका प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता क्योंकि जीत का अंतर बहुत अधिक होता है...।"

#EVM #CECRajivKumar #ChiefElectionCommissioner #RajivKumar #DelhiElection2025 #DelhiAssemblyElection2025


00:00Coming to the next and the last point,
00:02mismatch of votes polled and votes counted.
00:06An irresponsible...
00:10See, when it's time for elections, a small piece of news comes out,
00:13someone says something,
00:15and it confuses people.
00:17An online news channel has said that 5-5.5 lakh votes were counted more
00:22than VTR.
00:23They didn't even bother so much
00:25that VTR doesn't have postal ballots.
00:29As soon as they were informed that they don't have postal ballots,
00:32they drew up a news story.
00:35But the damage that was supposed to happen, happened.
00:38Everyone was confused whether 5.5 lakh votes were counted more or not.
00:42Why does this happen? I'll tell you today.
00:45It's a standard protocol.
00:47It's a standard protocol. It's written.
00:48And the way I showed you the book,
00:51there are 70...
00:5370 of our every process,
00:57of this kind,
00:59whether it's related to electoral rolls, counting,
01:01polling agents, political parties,
01:03whatever the process is,
01:05on every website,
01:0770-80 of our detailed guidelines are available.
01:11They are circulated to political parties.
01:15if a machine doesn't turn on,
01:18if a machine mismatches,
01:21if a machine turns on incorrectly,
01:23or the data of the mock poll is not removed,
01:27it's possible that 1, 2, 3, 4 out of 10.5 lakhs could be like this.
01:30That machine is put aside.
01:33When the counting is complete,
01:35it is seen that
01:37the victory margin,
01:39if it is
01:41less than that machine,
01:45slips of that machine are counted.
01:49Otherwise, it is kept aside.
01:51And therefore, that much number
01:53would be less counted.
01:55But it does not have any
01:57consequence as far as the result is concerned.
01:59Because the margins are too high.
02:01And then,
02:03Form 20,
02:05with exact details of candidates winning and losing,
02:07is given to the candidates.
02:09We are told this.
02:11You count the slips of the machine.
02:13We counted the slips of the machine.
02:15Let me
02:17tell the nation today.
02:19After 2019,
02:21when Mani Ustham Nihalaya
02:24said that we will count 5 BB Pets
02:26from every assembly after the results,
02:2867,000 BB Pets
02:30have been counted.
02:32Over 4.5 crore slips
02:34have been counted.
02:36And after 2019,
02:38except the initial old machines,
02:40not even a difference
02:42of one boat which has been found.
02:46Not even one.
02:48Out of 4.5 crore slips
02:50counted across 67,000 BB Pets.
02:52What else
02:54can be
02:56the bigger kind of issue?
02:58So friends,
03:00disclosure is
03:02our main pillar.
03:04We have
03:06released detailed FAQs
03:08on ER,
03:10on BB Pets,
03:12on EVMs,
03:14on counting,
03:16on everything.
03:18I have given their
03:25we have released a
03:27data set.
03:29Those who were asking questions,
03:31please read that data set and ask questions.
03:33Polling stations
03:35of every constituency,
03:39any election management body
03:41in the world,
03:43or any election,
03:45if you have this much data available,
03:47please tell us.
03:49Please glean,
03:51go through the websites of
03:53the election management bodies
03:55or election authorities of the world.
03:57And if anybody
03:59has that kind of a granular data,
04:01please tell us.
04:03It has whatever you want to know
04:05about elections.
04:07It has everything in that data
04:09and we have carefully
04:11uploaded it, counted.
04:13Those who said that
04:15so much voting has been done,
04:17the reputed organizations have also
04:19joined this chorus.
04:21There is a case pending
04:23in the honourable Supreme Court.
04:25We will answer in detail there.
04:27But let them look inward
04:29and see
04:31if it is available anywhere in the world.
04:33Disclosure is our forte.
04:35And glean anywhere.
04:37Don't make general acquisitions.
04:39If there is any specific acquisition,
04:41please tell us.
04:43If there is something wrong with this constituency,
04:46we will answer.
04:48It is our duty.
04:50We will answer with respect
04:52and humility.
04:54Again, before coming to
04:58I wrote something
05:00if I can say it today,
05:02before leaving.
05:04There is no complaint
05:06if the era of accusations
05:08and allegations continues.
05:10There is no complaint
05:12if the era of accusations
05:14and allegations continues.
05:16They give evidence in every result.
05:18But without evidence,
05:20they create a new world of suspicion.
05:22And even Hakeem Luqman
05:24does not have a cure for suspicion.
