• 2 months ago
🌟👗 STYLISH SHOWDOWN! Who's the Ultimate Fashionista? DIY Clothes By 123 GO! UNIVERSE 🌟

Get ready for a fashion face-off like no other! In this exciting episode of 123 GO! UNIVERSE, we’re diving into the world of DIY fashion as our talented contestants battle it out to create the most stunning and stylish outfits. Who will take home the title of the Ultimate Fashionista?

Watch as they transform everyday materials into jaw-dropping ensembles, showcasing their creativity and flair for style. From trendy tops to fabulous accessories, you won’t believe what they can create!

Join us for tips, tricks, and tons of fun as we explore the latest fashion trends and unleash your inner designer. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite look in the comments below! Subscribe to 123 Go! Universe🌌
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00:05:56hey oh wow she looks amazing today
00:05:59and I look well less amazing bummer oh
00:06:04she looks pretty down on herself hey I
00:06:09know what I can do to help cheer up
00:06:11this pair of scissors is gonna be the
00:06:13solution for sure what are you doing
00:06:15with that you're kind of creeping me
00:06:17out no yes hold still I need to make
00:06:20some cuts I'll just follow the stitch
00:06:23line up here yes I'm a genius now I just
00:06:26have to remove your sleeves wow that's
00:06:29a huge improvement but we're not done
00:06:31yet oh my glasses okay I'll just take
00:06:33them off who needs to see right also
00:06:35I'll just stretch this hole a bit too
00:06:37there okay I brought the juice just like
00:06:41I said I would and I've got the cups but
00:06:44that's not all oh no I also brought some
00:06:46chocolatey goodness oh my gosh that's
00:06:49totally my favorite me too let's break
00:06:53this open right now
00:06:55mmm look at all that delicious chocolate
00:06:59spread it all over this piece of bread
00:07:01here you go this one's for you great
00:07:04thanks so much gonna need a napkin for
00:07:06this goodness mmm it's so so good thank
00:07:09you of course that's what friends are
00:07:12for now time to get some for me oh no
00:07:16it dripped all over my clothing oh no
00:07:19wait take this napkin that should help
00:07:22great thanks oh I hope this works no all
00:07:26I did was spread it around more oh shoot
00:07:29there's got to be something I can do to
00:07:31help wait the ribbons in my hair that
00:07:33could be the solution um what am I
00:07:35supposed to do with that trust me okay
00:07:38hold up your tank top spin it around for
00:07:39me all right now time for the ribbon
00:07:43I'll thread it through the straps like
00:07:44this okay you ready for this you're
00:07:48gonna loop this over your head good okay
00:07:50but we're not done yet I need the ribbon
00:07:52again I want to pull it down through the
00:07:54inside of the top I'll do it on the
00:07:56other side too oh I get it I can take it
00:07:59from here I'll just tie it around the
00:08:00back hey ladies we're here for the
00:08:03picnic save your outfit just in the nick
00:08:06of time oh dang girl your outfits on
00:08:09fire today oh thanks we'll dig in we've
00:08:12got lots of snacks let's see oh wow that
00:08:17outfit is cute I love it oh no it's way
00:08:21too expensive let me just double check
00:08:24yeah pockets are totally empty what
00:08:27about the other one shoot it's only a
00:08:29single dollar okay I've got to do it
00:08:31myself nope nope no way definitely not
00:08:36this one oh here we go this is what I
00:08:38need oh come on where did this hole come
00:08:41from you've got to be kidding me wait I
00:08:43know what to do all right I've got my
00:08:46pants with the hole and I've got my
00:08:47scissors time to start cutting I'll
00:08:49begin right here I want to be careful to
00:08:51make it nice and straight good and then
00:08:53I'll pivot and go up this direction
00:08:55there's the hole I'll just cut right
00:08:57around it like this there I've turned a
00:08:59pair of pants with a hole into a super
00:09:01cute top I'm a genius you know what I
00:09:04definitely need a selfie of this all
00:09:07right got my twos and now I need my
00:09:10paint let's get painted yeah love this
00:09:13color this is pretty good let me go over
00:09:15here oh why am I alone now I've got to
00:09:21text him I'm sitting here waiting for
00:09:23you so annoying what's that oh no it
00:09:30can't be it's wet paint no I can't
00:09:34believe it I've got paint all over my
00:09:36hand now wait I'm sitting on the wet
00:09:43paint this is horrible why is this
00:09:46happening to me what am I gonna do now
00:09:48maybe I can wipe it off let me try
00:09:50taking it off my hand first oh I didn't
00:09:53do anything maybe it'll come off the
00:09:54fabric this is the worst thing that's
00:09:58ever happened to me yeah this is turning
00:10:02out pretty nice I dig it huh is that
00:10:04girl crying over there wow now I feel
00:10:07bad for her she's really crying oh hey I
00:10:10bet I can solve this for you are you
00:10:14talking to me you're the only other
00:10:16person out here come on over well I
00:10:19guess I've got nothing to lose whoa whoa
00:10:23stop you're crying here take this oh oh
00:10:28sorry here's my actual handkerchief no
00:10:31just get away from me this isn't helping
00:10:34whoa wait I promise I can help you with
00:10:37your problem hold still let me apply my
00:10:39paint to your pants all right turn
00:10:43around please thanks this is turning out
00:10:46great just got to bring the color down
00:10:48the legs I'll do some yellow over here
00:10:50on the outside oh it's looking amazing
00:10:52do the other side too yes more paint
00:10:55more paint everywhere oh my gosh this
00:10:59looks amazing I can't believe it well
00:11:01you're very welcome I'm pretty pleased
00:11:03with the result well here I have to pay
00:11:06you for what you did whoa thank you so
00:11:10much bye I can't believe how much money
00:11:14she paid me hey sorry I was late but I'm
00:11:19here now oh I've got some bad news for
00:11:22you yeah we need to go over here first
00:11:25come on hey you're back look I've got a
00:11:28new sign unique design $10 yeah that
00:11:35weather is bonkers out there today
00:11:38hello miss here's our menu for today
00:11:41thanks oh my gosh he's just sitting over
00:11:46there by himself he's looking I'll just
00:11:48give him a flirty little wave what the
00:11:51heck what's wrong with me she totally
00:11:54struck out with that flirtation oh look
00:11:57at her her red hair is amazing she's so
00:12:01cute what that's what he's interested in
00:12:04I have to say this is one of my best
00:12:06cakes ever oh looks like I've got to go
00:12:09take an order off I go hello sir what
00:12:12can I get for you whoa you're really
00:12:14wearing a lot of red that's my favorite
00:12:17color oh well that's nice but can I get
00:12:21you anything oh sure I'll take this
00:12:23please wait did he say that red was his
00:12:26favorite color I don't have any red on
00:12:27me clothing or hair it's just not fair
00:12:30how was I supposed to know and he gave
00:12:33her all the attention because she's got
00:12:34that red apron she's super upset because
00:12:37that guy flirted with me well anyway
00:12:39here's your order I hope you enjoy I
00:12:41can't believe this so unfair I'm so mad
00:12:45sir I brought your order here you go
00:12:48yes this looks amazing all my favorite
00:12:51red veggies bon appetit what's he doing
00:12:56over there now eating red foods oh no
00:12:59here comes another girl and she's wearing
00:13:00red he thought she was beautiful too
00:13:03and just because she was in red wait a
00:13:05second maybe if I or I could oh my gosh
00:13:08I think I know something that I can do
00:13:10let's see what do I have to work with
00:13:12around here oh of course my red umbrella
00:13:15I'll just pop this open well it's time
00:13:19to make this umbrella a skirt I love the
00:13:21shape of it and the bright color he's
00:13:24looking at me hi there how are you doing
00:13:27oh my gosh I need to give her this
00:13:29flower right now this rose reminded me
00:13:32of you because you're lovely oh thank
00:13:34you so much would you like to come with
00:13:36me huh what the heck is that an umbrella
00:13:41or something I honestly don't even know
00:13:43what to do about this oh my gosh I'm
00:13:49getting pretty sleepy time for bed I
00:13:51can't wait to be fully rested huh is
00:13:54that my phone where is it oh there it is
00:13:56all right who's calling hello hey girl
00:13:59I'm out at a party right now and it's
00:14:01great you should get out here with me
00:14:03we all want you with us I'm just so
00:14:07tired wait oh my gosh what's the date
00:14:11did I forget today is the day of the big
00:14:16party I forgot what should I wear oh this
00:14:20should work okay okay let me just check
00:14:22the mirror in my purse real quick hey
00:14:26penny I made it hi everyone sorry I'm
00:14:28late I'm a girl what are you even
00:14:30wearing right now oh that's how she
00:14:34dressed up for this party that's a
00:14:36choice I guess yikes no I can't let my
00:14:41camera see her yeah I'm sorry to tell
00:14:43you this but you don't look great it's
00:14:45too cutesy you need something else for
00:14:47sure I can't believe it I made such a
00:14:49huge mistake there's got to be something
00:14:52I can do to fix this no none of these
00:14:57bows work they're still too cutesy no
00:14:59more fun to your head fans oh wait I
00:15:02have these two clips yep I can totally
00:15:06make this work for me let me take out
00:15:07my braids there we go nice and loose now
00:15:10to get to work all right you ready for
00:15:12this clip let's go I'll just pull my hair
00:15:15up and then put in the clip like this
00:15:16now I'll twist my hair and then clip
00:15:18again there we go next I'll just kind of
00:15:21fan out my hair a bit and I'll need some
00:15:22bobby pins to make sure it stays in
00:15:24place it's sliding right in place and
00:15:26holding strong great now of course I've
00:15:29got to do the other side too and done no
00:15:31cutesy headband ears needed hey penny
00:15:34I'm back oh my gosh I totally love what
00:15:37you did with your hair it's so amazing I
00:15:39can't believe you so easily pulled that
00:15:41off whoa check her out now her hair is
00:15:44so much better oh I definitely need to
00:15:47take a picture of her now yeah take our
00:15:49pictures we look great so refreshing
00:15:55wait where do they get those cute clothes
00:15:59I suddenly feel so plain but that can
00:16:02change goodbye bathing suit bottoms huh
00:16:07do you I see what I think I'm seeing
00:16:09relax is not that scandalous just a
00:16:13little resourcefulness in action cute
00:16:17right and use another one the same way
00:16:21over the head and boom a brand new top
00:16:26plane nope not this girl okay we've got
00:16:31a try that hey wait how did you think of
00:16:36this it's brilliant oh wow you want some
00:16:46tea I'll buy you one ooh a message from
00:16:54Matthew no wait he wants to meet up
00:17:00today yay but first an outfit and hello
00:17:06there looking for some clothes are we I
00:17:10have a date see ah I have something
00:17:14perfect for you gross and this that's a
00:17:21no for sure now go try these on okay
00:17:25mm-hmm well isn't that darling very
00:17:31modest of course and what's an outfit
00:17:34without pearls is that really necessary
00:17:37mom oh this is so bad oh stand up
00:17:44straight they just grow up so fast oh
00:17:49stupid pearls I'm covered up from head
00:17:52to toe I know less fabric is more and
00:17:58I'm talking way less in this case hey a
00:18:04little bit of skin never hurt anyone so
00:18:06much better and no more sleeves or long
00:18:10shirt for that matter okay now that the
00:18:12bra secured slip the sleeves back on
00:18:15cute right Matthew you recognize me huh
00:18:23not exactly I mean is this even the same
00:18:28guy oh yeah I was definitely tricked
00:18:34hmm hey Gina ready for a date wait a
00:18:39minute two of you hey what are you doing
00:18:44here yep that's what I thought I'm sure
00:18:49relieved I should have mentioned I had a
00:18:52twin yeah it's all good though Wow check
00:18:59it out so it's a strap whatever
00:19:04ouch so weird hey good to see you Stacy
00:19:10oh I'm so sorry it's fine oh hey is she
00:19:22okay hey did I travel back in time
00:19:26what's wrong oh well this straps causing
00:19:31trouble ah I prefer this strap free look
00:19:35but how oh just a simple trick but it
00:19:40works just take this strap and hook it
00:19:43on alongside the other one problem
00:19:49solved thanks wait hey can you help me
00:19:55on my way phew so my rights here well
00:20:02whoa gotta go there that ought to do it
00:20:09what a trip but I'm back and without the
00:20:13unsightly strap shut your eyes no peeking
00:20:22okay Wow and this you didn't I can't
00:20:29believe it you're not gonna believe this
00:20:32bye no kiss not even a thank you Wow this
00:20:40ride is so sick right let's take it for
00:20:43a test drive yes faster for the gram ooh
00:20:49eyes on the road nice hey check it out
00:20:53oh I guess that's okay cool great
00:21:01pretty strong up here wait my sweater
00:21:04sliding off I lost it back there whoa I
00:21:12have nothing on wait you have to stop
00:21:16take a deep breath let me think here of
00:21:20course just use my bandana hmm oh okay
00:21:26this can work it's all about clever
00:21:30folding tie the triangle around your
00:21:33waist and make sure the knots tight then
00:21:39flip the triangle up like so and tuck it
00:21:41into your necklace looks cute doesn't
00:21:44it so adorable now let's get going but
00:21:50first fine you can drive now we can go
00:21:57this feels way better already nothing
00:22:01like feeling the wind in your hair no
00:22:04the tree I should have kept the keys it
00:22:08was an accident sorry oh man hi we need
00:22:16help we crashed what you're okay though
00:22:21you at least my makeup's okay Wow she's
00:22:28coming out look thank you thank you I
00:22:33can't believe how good she sounds do she
00:22:37just wink at me everybody hands up this
00:22:41is so much fun we'll remember this
00:22:46forever excuse me can I get back there
00:22:51please hey my jeans look what you've
00:22:58done oh man this was my favorite pair
00:23:02too unless my chain I got this make both
00:23:11legs even and use scissors to cut here
00:23:13up the entire outer seam oh stop now
00:23:20take this clip and slide it here once
00:23:22it's in place hammer it down take the
00:23:26lid off and you're left with these great
00:23:28holes the chain strings right through
00:23:32and done does she like flowers hmm
00:23:42interesting pants I'm feeling generous
00:23:45today here you go oh oh gosh thanks whoa
00:23:53amazing pants they really are eye
00:23:56catching huh I just love happy accidents
00:23:59whoa amazing do we come on the right day
00:24:09or what these shoes are on sale hey your
00:24:17ice cream what are you doing don't cry
00:24:27sweetie oh goodness oh would you like
00:24:31these shoes I don't know what to do then
00:24:38hmm wait I think I have an idea I just
00:24:45need a little bit of help first put on a
00:24:48generous helping of whipped cream but
00:24:50instead of eating it pour on some paint
00:24:53ooh looks pretty awesome already whoa I
00:25:01saved the best color for last down you
00:25:04go you didn't think I was done did you
00:25:08make sure to get onto the sides too just
00:25:11wait till you see it finished and once
00:25:13the colors have sat for a bit find a
00:25:15towel and wipe the shoes in one fell
00:25:17swoop voila so fabulous it almost looks
00:25:21like tie-dye just takes a motherly touch
00:25:24any kid would love these my mommy's one
00:25:34of a kind just like my shoes goodbye
00:25:42indoor shoes and hello outdoor shoes
00:25:45let's see these they're so last season
00:25:51how about this pair definitely not no
00:25:59what is this 2019 my blue gun now we're
00:26:06talking but first I need a mold oh aren't
00:26:16my toes cute just look at them now's
00:26:19where the fun really begins start pouring
00:26:21glue over the toes I chose golden
00:26:23glitter my favorite color obviously and
00:26:30once it's dry slide it off golden toes
00:26:34anyone and they're one-of-a-kind just
00:26:43like me get out huh Wow new shoes okay I
00:26:49love a good mix-and-match they're my
00:26:52size too I can make them even better you
00:27:00can still see the heel adorable and
00:27:04they didn't cost a thing don't you love
00:27:15my new rings I always like to treat
00:27:17myself Wow I just can't get enough gold
00:27:22Wow I love collecting old pieces that
00:27:27watch it's the most expensive thing in
00:27:30here what is it trying to say something
00:27:34I don't understand huh it's a letter I
00:27:40wonder what it says only one way to find
00:27:42out I think it's for a fashion show
00:27:47you're right so we have to go okay but
00:27:55first accessories I don't have anything
00:27:59like that are those all designer I don't
00:28:06even have a purse no what's in here no
00:28:15what about in here whoa Ellie's got some
00:28:21granny panties I know got him what
00:28:29happened yep it's design time but first
00:28:33cut this middle area out it's more
00:28:35sanitary that way perfect and just like
00:28:39that it's a top sunny what was that it's
00:28:45my new crop top now that's actually
00:28:49cute I feel inspired I'm changing things
00:28:52up to look what this belt can do here's
00:29:01how I put it on it takes some careful
00:29:04twisting and tying then run it through
00:29:09here and here then just one more knot
00:29:15there we go how do I look wow it's
00:29:20amazing if it's you perfectly I know
00:29:24let's get out of here oh my smile I can
00:29:32get used to this kisses and then you
00:29:40carry the two here that's how you figure
00:29:42out X hey concert it's tonight look we
00:29:50just have to go Wow let's get ready wait
00:29:58a minute I've got to wear my hoops and
00:30:04my tiara duh cuz I'm a princess a fierce
00:30:09princess totally wait gotta get rid of
00:30:13that shine oh no that was intense yeah
00:30:23yikes oh no that's not good yeah it's
00:30:30pretty gross hmm wait look put it on
00:30:36okay I don't know about this man flip it
00:30:43oh okay yep like that really now pull it
00:30:51oh okay like this wow it looks super
00:30:57chic you like rock on well I guess I'll
00:31:03wear this bummer I'll never be cool
00:31:08enough for that but not all hope's lost
00:31:14need to turn a plain shirt into a cool
00:31:16one just iron on a cool graphic wax
00:31:19paper works great just peel it back and
00:31:26it's time to rock cool right Wow I think
00:31:31so yeah one or my necklace sure it'll
00:31:38look cool on you this is awesome let's
00:31:44rock this looks pretty cool what about
00:31:55this sale who's that no way I have a
00:32:02date tonight I have to get ready first
00:32:09clothes no I'll wear these oh no not a
00:32:16stain but they're my best pair what am I
00:32:20supposed to wear now is it just me or
00:32:25doesn't look like a butterfly maybe I
00:32:28can make it better butterfly time cute
00:32:34now I'll glue it onto this block quick
00:32:39before dries now paint over the
00:32:43butterfly I chose a deep black now
00:32:47before it dries stamp it onto the
00:32:49fabric add as many as you'd like I like
00:32:54lots cover the impressions with wax
00:32:58paper and run an iron over them after
00:33:04doing that for a bit you're done are
00:33:06these cute or what and nobody else has
00:33:09them so unique
00:33:16okay I'm ready 2004 2005 huh miss Ellie
00:33:29you have a message you may approach
00:33:35thank you good day a date this is an
00:33:40emergency this calls for my fancy
00:33:43perfume oh my bag what have I done oh
00:33:53man oh should I cancel hey I can't make
00:34:00it actually never mind this is perfect
00:34:05first let's cut along the seam then put
00:34:11fabric glue here fold it and clamp it
00:34:17once it's dry punch two holes and
00:34:20install these metal pieces make sure
00:34:25they're nice and tight then comes the
00:34:28gold chain string it all the way through
00:34:33and clasp it shut how cute is that all
00:34:41done now that's what I call a happy
00:34:44accident much better the date is
00:34:47officially back on almost forgot
00:34:57wow this place is really popping a
00:35:00perfect way to start the weekend right
00:35:02you thinking what I'm thinking oh say
00:35:09no more I got this okay what's up bro
00:35:14too many cheesecakes just put it on the
00:35:18card yo I'm not accepted here oh what
00:35:24about this bingo thanks mmm desserts
00:35:32here and I got your favorite flavor
00:35:36grace huh oh hey um what are you doing
00:35:43oh my bad well since I'm here now I
00:35:49can't believe Jake ditched me oh I won't
00:35:53have it this is not acceptable I've got
00:35:56to make myself stand out yep keep going
00:36:02all the way now's where the real magic
00:36:07happens double knot it to keep it strong
00:36:12then tuck in the top like this and roll
00:36:15it over the shoulders tuck the sleeves
00:36:19up if they're long how cute is this top
00:36:22now right it's giving major fashionista
00:36:25vibes and Jake still busy I see I'll
00:36:31just wait until you notice grace is that
00:36:36you'll catch flies that way wait what
00:36:41about me I hate my clothes I bet I could
00:36:47do that too huh whoa yep I tend to have
00:36:53that effect what do you say about a free
00:36:57latte well time to hit the hay teddy we
00:37:02have a big day ahead of us
00:37:06ah hey what's happening get it uh rock on
00:37:15uh-huh whoo-hoo very good you've been
00:37:21practicing huh a free rock show in my
00:37:25room just look at that fancy finger work
00:37:27whoa let's melt some faces whoa all the
00:37:40gummy bears oh guess they're on the
00:37:43floor now I can't waste the blue ones
00:37:47Stacy no what wait don't get upset now I
00:38:01feel bad yeah see this silicone ring
00:38:06place the gummy bears inside the slit
00:38:08all the way around once that's all done
00:38:13pour some liquid gel over it all don't
00:38:16go too fast now you want to get all of
00:38:18the bears and once it's all finished
00:38:21you'll have a cool bracelet rock and
00:38:27roll baby huh for me give me a wrist now
00:38:33you can always have your teddies cool
00:38:38thanks bro give me some love cool one
00:38:44thing what I have this awesome shirt to
00:38:49match um for me yeah looking good bro it
00:38:57takes a real man to wear pink
00:39:05hey I'm here for my training session in
00:39:09that unacceptable change change oh but
00:39:18this is all I've got read huh oh I can
00:39:24wear sportswear mm-hmm BRB I love this
00:39:29thing all set do you see I'm surround
00:39:34here you said sportswear feel the burn
00:39:40is this better no no this girl is
00:39:50you what now yeah I don't get paid
00:39:55enough for this no seriously oh yeah get
00:40:03groovin well no fine this has to be it
00:40:10good no good how about now I'm losing it
00:40:17stay calm oh you don't need a yell what
00:40:27am I supposed to do now lost and found
00:40:31seems promising but is any of this even
00:40:34useful no come on now we're talking just
00:40:42have a few slight changes to make take
00:40:44your scissors and start cutting upward
00:40:46like this stop right there then flip
00:40:52them over and spread the slit open here
00:40:55and that's all there is to it amazing
00:41:01sportswear baby whoa that's cute oh I
00:41:06made it myself I like your style thanks
00:41:12girl gotta go I'm ready hmm you're
00:41:21speechless huh I don't blame you now
00:41:26let's work out one two huh already we
00:41:34barely started hi there me Gina well hi
00:41:45I'm so nervous and now say hello to
00:41:48grace why hello there are you ready to
00:41:54vote whose look is better comment below
00:42:01life is full of stressful situations and
00:42:04dealing with clothes and shoes shouldn't
00:42:06be one of them well not with awesome
00:42:09acts like these hi Lily now's the
00:42:19perfect time like I'd forget my besties
00:42:21birthday this is so sweet of you lily
00:42:28open it I love the color they're super
00:42:37cute thank you now go try them on
00:42:44they're pretty cute right I think they
00:42:48match my water bottle oh god did they
00:42:53really just rip oh man everything okay
00:43:01over there hopefully she didn't hear
00:43:04that wait I think I know how to fix this
00:43:11be back in a sec okay first fold your
00:43:15sweats like this then cut them upward
00:43:19like this open them up again and turn
00:43:25them upside down you like Wow nice shirt
00:43:33why did that look so familiar those
00:43:36weren't the sweats right hmm oh I haven't
00:43:43sweat this much in years didn't I leave
00:43:46a shirt in here Lana have you seen my
00:43:51shirt I swear I put it in here did
00:43:54someone else take it I could wear
00:43:57something in there may as well look
00:44:07there's a lot in here and first up who
00:44:15even wears this stuff oh I don't want to
00:44:18know I look good in red right I'm not so
00:44:26sure about this Lana isn't that a man's
00:44:30shirt nope it's weird hmm now what what
00:44:38about my hair elastics I know connect
00:44:42all buttons like this it'll have a
00:44:46gathering effect and then cuff the
00:44:49sleeves Lana what it's like a whole new
00:44:55shirt I'll let you in on a little secret
00:45:00I hope everyone's wearing their dancing
00:45:05shoes um who's is this oh that was a
00:45:10total accident
00:45:15these shoes don't fit quite right that's
00:45:19easy to fix what's the scarf for just
00:45:25watch okay pull it underneath your shoe
00:45:30then wrap it around your ankle tie it
00:45:35nice and tight perfect and oh so cute
00:45:42check out my new and improved dancing
00:45:45shoes now we can party and be safe ready
00:45:55to get our yoga on and play this
00:46:04shouldn't be too hard right getting a
00:46:08bit trickier but we're total pros don't
00:46:12forget to breathe now stretch your
00:46:15torso am I doing it right
00:46:20and up we go this shirt feels awfully
00:46:26loose come on stay up there oh it's
00:46:32tickling my face you okay over there
00:46:36Betty to eat your own that's it I can't
00:46:42take it anymore this shirt is terrible
00:46:45for this but I may be able to fix it
00:46:52grab either end cross them and tuck them
00:46:55into each other
00:47:03hey what'd you do to your shirt it's
00:47:05nice Oh next pose talk about a major
00:47:14improvement now find your center see you
00:47:18next time sometimes a perfectly ordinary
00:47:25day can take a wrong turn in seconds ooh
00:47:30that's bad way to go Betty this shirt's
00:47:35brand new you've got to be kidding me
00:47:37help is on the way Lily just keep it
00:47:40what do I do now I don't have time to
00:47:48change unless I can just fashion
00:47:56something myself
00:48:00open the oversized scarf and wrap it
00:48:06around your waist use the elastic to
00:48:10secure it here make sure it's good and
00:48:18once it's secure take the back corners
00:48:21in both hands then tie the tassels around
00:48:26the knot once that's done turn the whole
00:48:31piece around now put your arms through
00:48:35the new sleeves and just like that
00:48:40you've got a brand new top I'd better
00:48:45head to class I so needed this lazy day
00:48:52I've lost all track of time my phone
00:48:59he's picking me up in five minutes I
00:49:02definitely can't go like this oh could I
00:49:05look any frumpier is this guy clean
00:49:15that'd be a hard no what about this
00:49:22stuff pink's always a good go-to I think
00:49:26I found a winner on second thought this
00:49:33thing is not flattering it's two sizes
00:49:36too big but I've got to make it work so
00:49:44tucking it in it is at least you can see
00:49:50my shape now maybe too much of it look
00:49:56at all that bunch fabric oh man maybe I
00:50:03can try something new roll up your shirt
00:50:07like this keep going until you get about
00:50:12here then tuck it in carefully no bunch
00:50:18in here this tummy's nice and smooth our
00:50:30lives can get really busy but that
00:50:32doesn't mean we can't have fun with
00:50:34fashion go on jump whoa talk about
00:50:39taking a fashion leap when it comes to
00:50:46clothes forget class I'm gonna show this
00:50:49get up off hey give me your money nah
00:50:56check out this broad Oh leaf and I it
00:51:02really hurts that bag's mine I'm going
00:51:08in yeah much better that's what you
00:51:15think yep stay distracted and gotcha so
00:51:21long lady I don't think so mister oh boy
00:51:30going down whoa maybe I didn't think
00:51:36this through uh sorry this jerk broke my
00:51:41designer bag don't call the cops can you
00:51:46believe that guy what am I supposed to
00:51:50do now look at all my stuff covered in
00:51:54dirt talk about bad luck my scar looks
00:52:02like it's still in good shape I bet I
00:52:05can fashion something out of this one
00:52:08not here and more on all the ends there
00:52:15I formed a little pouch now to tie these
00:52:21two together a double knot is probably
00:52:23best hello handles looks like a new bag
00:52:29to me perfect to hold my stuff for now
00:52:33and it's pretty cute don't you think no
00:52:39thief's gonna ruin my day oh is it
00:52:46almost over you okay there what a
00:52:55weakling it's almost done all right
00:53:00there you go it's over awesome I look
00:53:09like such a rock star wait till everyone
00:53:12sees oh the sweaters in the way all that
00:53:18pain and you can't even see it a sweater
00:53:23rookie move will it not work oh I hate
00:53:28the stupid thing unless I have an idea I
00:53:33can use the sleeve to hold the extra
00:53:36fabric up then I'll put my arm in this
00:53:38way see it opens the entire bottom up my
00:53:49cool factor just went up a notch glad
00:53:54you like it kid thank you scary tattoo
00:53:59artist I mean whatever it's cool we I'm
00:54:05so happy well that doesn't sound good
00:54:12we've seen enough see ya let's see I hope
00:54:23I don't throw up I'm coming the
00:54:31competition's fierce huh I gotta take
00:54:35her out of the running just casually
00:54:39drinking my coffee whoops so clumsy are
00:54:50you crazy oh I am so so sorry I can't go
00:54:55in like this I can't possibly wear this
00:54:58now now my whole outfit is off unless I
00:55:04make a little adjustment let me think I
00:55:08can use the strap to redesign the shirt
00:55:13see how it fits differently now just a
00:55:18little creative thinking whoa where did
00:55:23she get that top her outfits cuter than
00:55:26mine oh no deep breaths good luck
00:55:38whatever hey what's going on in there
00:55:45I'd better get closer they're hiring her
00:55:51casting is officially closed what do you
00:55:55want I'd call a cab if I were you did
00:56:04that really just happen these minor
00:56:11chords just get me huh another theme
00:56:18party is that believable now where was
00:56:23I yes aloha Betty ready for the big
00:56:28luau um yeah sure why not door that way
00:56:34you can't go wearing that it's a party
00:56:37not a funeral so you'll scare away all
00:56:44the guests some flowers should soften
00:56:49things aloha come with me are these our
00:56:57options interesting it's freezing in
00:57:02Hawaii right I'm kidding I guess we're
00:57:06staying home then stupid pretty flowers
00:57:12well now I feel kind of bad Oh Bella
00:57:17hello what okay you got me forgive me
00:57:24you know I can't stay mad a pink shirt
00:57:29this was under our noses the whole time
00:57:34catch this fine it probably won't even
00:57:42fit me see and there's a giant hole why
00:57:48that's no problem have a shirt with a
00:57:53hole in it not anymore now that it's cut
00:57:57off we have something to work with look
00:58:02how cute these are use this extra fabric
00:58:05to create fun tassels just tie it in a
00:58:09knot like this whoa this is actually
00:58:13pretty cute well done I really am
00:58:19talented right shall we you sure I'm
00:58:25doing this right oh is that me an outfit
00:58:34change will fix that no that's better
00:58:36don't you think nothing like a good
00:58:39outfit transformation hey how'd Jake do
00:58:42that I wonder if I can do that too all I
00:58:47have to do is fall on the bed right
00:58:55these hot summer days are no joke I'm
00:58:59sweating like a pig in here why didn't I
00:59:02get a place with air conditioning
00:59:08yeah that's better who am I kidding
00:59:14melting okay I can get through this but
00:59:20my throat's all dry now it's like a
00:59:24desert in my mouth wait I have a cold
00:59:28juice in the fridge this juice is about
00:59:31to save me sweet chilled relief what was
00:59:36that a nail how'd that even get there
00:59:41this shirt's brand new to talk about
00:59:45horrible luck but perhaps I can turn it
00:59:49around it just may take a little
00:59:51craftiness ruin your shirt then simply
00:59:56cut it out cut a straight line above the
00:59:59hole then take away the top half and cut
01:00:03into the strip like this that's perfect
01:00:06now use it as a tie for your top put it
01:00:10through and tie it in a bow make sure
01:00:13it's tight pretty cute right and perfect
01:00:18for this hot weather I wonder where my
01:00:23date is no worries I could use a minute
01:00:28to capture this adorable outfit
