• 2 months ago


00:00There were a lot of fights, a lot of girls fell down and fell down, the college kids were in a lot of trouble.
00:08There was a lot of noise, there was a lot of noise, a lot of college kids fell down and fell down.
00:15Now that we are here, the road is good, super.
00:20Now that the government has changed, they are doing well.
00:25After coming to Telugu Desi, they are doing well.
00:27They are doing it neatly, now I am very happy.
00:30We are also.
00:31After coming here, the road is good, right?
00:33Before, the road was not good, there was a lot of noise, everywhere.
00:36There, here, everywhere, a lot of noise, the road was not clear, even the town was not clear.
00:42Now, up to Kattakandapally, it is good, sir.
00:45Everyone saw it, but they did not close their eyes.
00:48Only the road.
00:49They cannot see how the road is.
00:51Now they are doing it neatly, I am happy.
00:54Now, I am very happy, sir.
00:56There was a lot of noise.
00:57We did not even open the doors.
00:59In the house, when we opened the doors, there was a lot of smoke.
01:03Now, it is not like that.
01:04After the government came, they did it well.
01:06There was a lot of noise.
01:08Everywhere, there was water.
01:10There was a lot of noise.
01:12At that time, no one cared.
01:14We told the government to clear the road.
01:17No one even looked at it.
01:20Now, they did it very quickly.
01:23When the government came, they did a good job.
01:26They did it very well.
01:28They put a lot of concrete.
01:30They also put a lot of tar.
01:32At that time, there was a lot of noise.
01:34It was very difficult, sir.
01:36Falling down, standing in the water when it rains.
01:38Falling in such noise, all the college students.
01:40It was very difficult for them.
01:42After this month, the road is very clear.
01:45It is very neat.
01:48At that time, there was a lot of smoke.
01:50There was a lot of smoke.
01:52Yesterday and today, the road is ready.
01:54It is very nice.
01:56It is a good highway.
01:58There is no problem.
02:00If you go to the tip, you can see it.
02:02You can see it from behind.
02:04The road is very good.
02:06The road is very difficult.
02:08After two months, the road is very good.
02:11It is very neat.
02:13If you go to Chandramandalam in Prabuthuvam,
02:15the road is very dirty.
02:17It is very dirty, sir.
02:19From here to here,
02:21about 100 people have fallen down.
02:23At 4 o'clock, I called the ambulance.
02:25I personally went to the hospital.
02:27I was close to my house.
02:29It was very dirty.
02:31They closed the nooks and opened it.
02:33It was very dirty.
02:35If it rains, it is dirty.
02:37If it does not rain, it is dirty.
02:39It is very dirty.
02:41Actually, a road was not perfectly neat.
02:46A road was three or two feet deep.
02:49A road was one and a half feet deep.
02:51Even three feet deep.
02:54Now, when the government came,
02:56they are taking care,
02:58they are recognizing the needs of the people,
03:02How fast, how neat, how safely.
03:04Our Urban MLA, Mr. Prasad,
03:06was with us,
03:08The government has proven itself to be a good government.
03:14Everyone is feeling happy.
03:17From here to Dadapur, it is a 2km road.
03:19No matter how slow you go, it is a good road.
03:25The government has taken into account the problems of the previous government and cleared them.
03:32The government has done a good job.
03:35This is Anantapur Thavarakonda.
03:39You call it Alamur road.
03:42We have cleared this road with 6 crores.
03:49We have to remove some poles and other constructions.
03:58Anantapur people have helped us a lot.
04:08The local people have helped us a lot.
04:13The contractor's payments were delayed.
04:21We have to pay the contractor's bills.
04:32The overflow of the city was due to the Sivar region.
04:39When I was here, I prepared a proposal and sent it.
04:47With 3.75 crores, we were able to build a bridge.
04:54The contractor's bills were delayed.
05:00We had to remove the poles and other constructions.
05:06The construction of the bridge has been completed.
05:10The people are very happy.
05:12I believe this will help the Sivar region.
05:22The contractor's bills were delayed due to the overflow of the city.
05:36With the help of the people, we were able to complete the work in 6 months.
05:50We were able to complete it now.
05:53We are very happy.
05:59We are very happy with the work that has been done.
06:08The people of Alamur were affected by the flood.
06:16The people of Alamur were affected by the flood.
06:31The people of Alamur were affected by the flood.
06:43The people of Alamur were affected by the flood.
06:53The people of Alamur were affected by the flood.
07:03With 3.75 crores, we were able to build a bridge.
07:15The construction of the bridge was completed in 3 months.
07:27We were able to clear the traffic on both sides of the road.
