• 2 months ago
मंईयां योजना के लिए अपना आवेदन जमा करने वाली महिलाएं आज कल बेहद परेशान हैं. उन्हें कार्यालयों के चक्कर काटने पड़ रहे हैं.


00:00According to the Mayan Samman Yojana, women who want to be eligible for Rs.2500 every month are very troubled these days.
00:07The Rajya Sarkar has arranged for an online application through Pragya Kendra.
00:12But since the server has been down for a few days, a new application is not being taken.
00:17Due to the technical failure in the server, the troubled women are going from Pragya Kendra to Anchal Karyalaya.
00:25The Mayan Samman Yojana has not been completed. Will it be completed again?
00:30We have been left out.
00:32Because we had applied for the ration card, it came late.
00:36That's why we came here. We will complete the Mayan Samman Yojana.
00:42But we have been told that it's not being completed.
00:46We have been told that it's not being completed.
00:48It will be completed later. When it's due, you can complete it.
00:54That's why I'm very disappointed.
00:58We had so much hope and now we're left out.
01:02I don't know if we'll be able to complete the Yojana or not.
01:08Why isn't it being completed?
01:10We can't tell you that right now.
01:13We'll tell you when we get the news.
01:16That's what we got to know at the office.
01:18We came here because we were told that the ration card will be completed.
01:21We came here because we were told that it will be completed.
01:23But it's not being completed.
01:25We're leaving now.
01:27We were told to apply from Pragya Kendra first.
01:34Then go to Anganwadi and submit the form.
01:38We waited for a while.
01:40We haven't received the form yet.
01:42We'll check it here as well.
01:44The government promised that everyone will get the money.
01:48That's why we came here.
01:50But we haven't received the money yet.
01:52No, we haven't received the money yet.
01:54A lot of people have come.
01:56A lot of people have come to my house as well.
01:58But not this time.
02:00What's your name?
02:02My name is Neha.
02:04Where are you from?
02:06Main Road.
02:08What happened to you?
02:10We're together.
02:12How many times did you submit the form?
02:14We submitted it from Pragya Kendra in the beginning.
02:16We submitted it from Pragya Kendra in the beginning.
02:18Are you from Pragya Kendra?
02:20We were told that the ration card will be completed.
02:22We were told that the ration card will be completed.
02:24The ration card from Pragya Kendra has been completed.
02:26We couldn't get information from there.
02:28So, we came here.
02:30In the midst of all this, instead of solving the problems of women,
02:34who are going from Pragya Kendra to Anchal office,
02:38the government has been quiet in this direction.
02:42The Anchal office of Sadar Anchal,
02:44where they talk about submitting applications for the Mayan Samaan scheme in Pragya Kendra,
02:48the head of Pragya Kendra says that
02:50because of the server being down,
02:52they are not submitting applications.
02:54They say that women should contact the Anchal office.
02:58In such a situation, women are forced to wander from one place to another in the government office.
03:04Fresh applications are submitted through Pragya Kendra.
03:10It is possible that due to some technical reason,
03:14the people of Pragya Kendra are not able to submit applications.
03:18So, in this regard,
03:20because applications are not submitted to the Anchal office,
03:26I am not in a position to say anything.
03:28Only the people of Pragya Kendra can tell us what to do.
03:32Many women come here,
03:34they are running,
03:36they say that their applications have not been submitted,
03:38they are complaining that they did not get the money.
03:40You can see for yourself.
03:42This is the first time I have spoken in the Anchal office.
03:48We will see if there are any problems that can be solved from our side.
03:52In this situation, we will solve the internal problems of the government.
03:56Look, we have a form.
03:59We give people a free form.
04:03Before this, when the server was running,
04:05although it did not work in the daytime,
04:07because there was so much rush,
04:09there was no capacity for it to be done,
04:11everyone could do it.
04:13So, we were doing it at night.
04:15And after doing it at night,
04:17about two to three hundred forms came to us.
04:21We did all that.
04:23And with that, people's money also went into their accounts.
04:27But the second time,
04:29the 25 to 100 forms,
04:31the server did not work at all.
04:33So, when the server will not work,
04:35what will we do by keeping the forms of false people?
04:39You tell me this.
04:41We came to know that it will be done through Anchal.
04:43We are also telling you what we have heard.
04:45We have guided everyone to take their forms and go to Anchal.
04:51Long queues are there,
04:53and people are collecting their forms there.
04:55Some people were collecting their forms.
04:57Others were collecting their forms.
04:59What happened? How much was applied?
05:01Because I was not sitting there and watching.
05:03But there was also an option of correction.
05:05The people who came and complained,
05:07that was also not there.
05:09Why didn't they come?
05:11If there was an IFC code or any mistake,
05:13then there should be an option for it,
05:15that we correct it.
05:17Some people said that it happened to one or two people.
05:19What is the truth?
05:21I cannot say this because I was not present there.
05:23We are telling you this based on the information
05:25that we have received from the customers.
05:31There is no problem.
05:33If I have the forms,
05:35we will give them the forms with great joy.
05:39Among all these problems,
05:41there are some women who have applied
05:43three to four times so far.
05:45Despite this, they have not received the benefit
05:47of the Motherhood Honour Scheme.
05:49According to information,
05:51due to the wrong entry by the operator
05:53during the online application,
05:55these women are suffering.
05:59With cameraman Parmanan,
06:01for Bhuvan Ki Soorjha,
06:03ETV Bharat, Ranchi.
