• 2 months ago
The energy price cap has increased, meaning the average household now pays £1,738 per year. How concerned are you about energy prices?


00:00My heart goes out to anybody that needs to put their heating on this winter.
00:05I won't get political, but people have lost out.
00:09People that may have genuinely needed that money.
00:13I'm in a different category.
00:16I've got a log burner at home and I get all my wood in June.
00:21But, that in mind, I still need to put my radiators on just to air the house
00:27and I still panic how long it's been on.
00:30I do my best to make the house energy efficient, but there's only so much you can do in an old house.
00:34I think my energy usage is about the same.
00:37I don't really pay too much attention to prices because I'm more interested in staying warm
00:42and I'll have to find the money to pay for the bills some way.
00:44I'm not going to skimp on the heating.
00:47However, we've lost our government allowance.
00:52We're not on pension credit. We're not entitled to pension credit.
00:56But it doesn't mean that we've loads of money coming in.
