• 2 months ago
Ernesto Belloni confesó que "Era complicado. Yo tenía mi sistema y me lo cambiaban todos los días".


00:00I came to Viña in this...
00:02No, look, I went to Viña...
00:04I've been offered to go to Viña many times
00:06and I never wanted to because I always...
00:08I like to work in the summer,
00:10in the tents, I like to go to live shows,
00:12but in any case.
00:14And this time I agreed.
00:16I agreed because I was saving a cycle,
00:18you see, because as I said, I already turned 5 years old.
00:20Yes, yes, yes.
00:22So I wanted, I'm saving a cycle,
00:24I don't know, and I wanted to go.
00:26But this was before the explosion.
00:28Before you accepted the contract, the market.
00:30Before, of course, I mean,
00:32I applied for all this
00:34and we were all fine,
00:36all happy, we were happy.
00:38But then the explosion came
00:40and things got a little complicated.
00:42So, of course, things got a little complicated,
00:44social networks were a little...
00:46It was not known if there was a festival or not,
00:48that's what I'm telling you.
00:50No, forget it, I mean,
00:52it was not known until the last minute
00:54or if not, I showed a booklet,
00:56and they were like, yes, it's fine.
00:58And I was like, what do I do?
01:00It was complicated.
01:02And I had my system,
01:04and they changed it every day,
01:06my system, and I said,
01:08I'm very cool with my show,
01:10I mean, with dancers, with feathers,
01:12even working with the transformers,
01:14I had always worked with them.
01:16Since when did you leave?
01:18Did you ever want to leave the festival?
01:20At some point they offered me,
01:22I said, hey, look, because I must admit
01:24that the producers were super cool with me,
01:26and I said, it's very difficult.
01:28So, if you want to do it,
01:30I said no.
01:32My children told me, dad,
01:34it's necessary for me to go.
01:36No, I taught them,
01:38you saw, I feel good,
01:40you have to move your chest,
01:42you said yes, and I'm going to do it.
01:44And what happened when you got to Viña?
01:46Because it was a very difficult threshold,
01:48people said, there is a festival,
01:50no, there was a stir,
01:52I was there, at the edge,
01:54the doors of the Quinta Vergara were opening,
01:56what happened to you there?
01:58No, wait, I came ahead,
02:00because in mid-October,
02:02or November, I had gone to Iquique
02:04to work on the street,
02:06to the festival,
02:08and I didn't have a good reception.
02:10And since I had never,
02:12thank God, I had never been piffed,
02:14I was out of control,
02:16I mean, I didn't know how to react
02:18to a piff from an audience,
02:20I felt very bad,
02:22I didn't know how to react,
02:24and I left.
02:26Well, it was a defeat,
02:28but then I said,
02:30this can't be, after so many years
02:32of career, this happens to me,
02:34I don't know how to react,
02:36I'm going to Viña, and I'm going,
02:38no, there is no Viña,
02:40and I went to Viña,
02:42oh, it was horrible,
02:44because there was the broom,
02:46there was the fire,
02:48there was the pipinero,
02:50the Ana Gabriel, and the bombs,
02:52the smell of tear gas,
02:54and I said, no, the Ana Gabriel
02:56was shit, no, it was the tear gas.
02:58And when they introduced you,
03:00they made you open the door?
03:02Yes, well, no, it was terrible.
03:04So I didn't have a second thought,
03:06I'm super, thank God,
03:08I'm super Catholic,
03:10and I have a lot of faith in God,
03:12and I say that things always flow,
03:14because the doll is good with me,
03:16and well, then,
03:18we were behind the scenes,
03:20Martín Cárdenas, Ernesto,
03:22now, 70% of the guitarists
03:24were women,
03:26because there was Pimpinela,
03:28La Cragona,
03:32the truth is that there were a lot of women,
03:34and that worried me a little,
03:36as I was preceded by this,
03:38the general,
03:42for me it was a little complicated,
03:44I followed what the general told me,
03:46so I followed it,
03:48but I'm behind the scenes,
03:50Martín Cárdenas is introducing me,
03:52can you play some horror music for me, please?
03:54Now, you want horror music?
03:56I have one, like this.
03:58Ah, no, they don't listen to you.
04:00No, if they listen to me,
04:02they'll die, you get it,
04:04I was alive until now.
04:06I'm there, this is going to come out,
04:08I have to recognize you,
04:10calm, waiting,
04:12how old are you?
04:148 years old?
04:16There's the music,
04:18it's here, it's here.
04:20It's here, it's here.
04:22It's here, it's here.
04:24Here comes Ernesto Bloni,
04:26and the door opens,
04:28I was alone,
04:30and the door opens,
04:32it's dark,
04:34and I tell him, something happens,
04:36this is a signal,
04:38so I tell him,
04:40why don't you send a small earthquake,
04:42and a small tsunami?
04:44No, no, no.
04:46Yes, a small earthquake,
04:48so people can go out and play,
04:50and a tsunami,
04:52that reaches the square,
04:54but without dead people,
04:56so people get scared and run away.
04:58And when I tell him,
05:00otherwise, I'm at your feet,
05:02and the door opens.
05:04Hey, something happens,
05:06I swear to God,
05:08I swear to God,
05:10I go out,
05:12and I see the fifth door,
05:14can I stand up, sir?
05:16Don't go, don't go!
05:18The TV, go away!
05:20This team is the best.
05:22So he stands up,
05:24the door opens,
05:26and I go out,
05:28excuse me, kid,
05:30I'm going to give you a gift.
05:32It has nothing,
05:34but it's the same.
05:36And it was a sepulchral silence,
05:38I swear to you.
05:42And I go forward,
05:44and I swear to you,
05:46it was like going forward with clouds.
05:48But no one laughed, dad.
05:50And when Ernesto Veloria said,
05:52and I go out,
05:54and I don't hear anything,
05:56and he said, something happens.
05:58And I say, the first thing I say,
06:00hello, hello!
06:02And they were good women,
06:04and I said,
06:06hello, hello!
06:08But I knew that in 10 seconds
06:10you had to make the first laugh.
06:12At 12 o'clock,
06:14and then with the punch.
06:16So I continued,
06:18thanks to the teacher.
06:20And there I felt confidence.
06:22I felt confidence,
06:24and I started to do my normal routine.
06:26And the excuse,
06:28it wasn't for the humor,
06:30it was a little bit,
06:32but it was because the artists,
06:36when you do them well,
06:38thank God,
06:40you earn money,
06:42and you leave,
06:46Because you live in a different world
06:48from the rest of the people,
06:50because you have money,
06:52then your trips,
06:54your house,
06:56your pool,
06:58your car,
07:00you know,
07:02dad, I'm going to the university,
07:04so I said,
07:06I'm going to spend a little more time,
07:08because you had classmates
07:10who sometimes didn't go to class
07:12because they didn't have money
07:14for the teacher, for the home,
07:16they didn't have a car,
07:18they didn't have money for that.
07:20How do you call that?
07:22I never went to the university.
07:24The recesses,
07:26someone goes to class at 9 in the morning
07:28I started to feel
07:30that we were
07:32in a different world,
07:34when the marches started,
07:36they made me see
07:38that I was a little wrong,
07:40they made me see
07:42that I was wrong,
07:44we are fine,
07:46your children were reading
07:48the news, well raised the goats,
07:50applause for the goats,
07:52they made me see,
07:54then I said,
07:56I offered
07:58my apologies to the people
08:00for being a man
08:02who isolated me from the world
08:04without seeing what was happening
08:06to many young people and many things,
08:08without being a leftist,
08:10a rightist, no, no,
08:12it was such a legitimate thing,
08:14and that's where I learned that,
08:16not solidarity, because,
08:18thank God, I have always followed it,
08:20but being encapsulated in this issue
08:22that you are not living the reality
08:24of youth, that they don't have a job,
08:26that there are few road signs,
08:28that this and that,
08:30and I was very isolated,
08:32and that's what I offered
08:34my apologies for being encapsulated.
