• hace 2 meses
Have you ever sat in front of the TV and thought: Why can't TV just get you?

This year, we’re introducing the next step forward for TV, ready to help each and every user. With AI integration, say good-bye to the little things that used to bug you.


00:00Oh my god! He was the killer all along? That actor! He always plays a villain. Oh, what's
00:16his name? I know he was in that movie everyone raved about. What is his name? What's that
00:21movie even? How am I even supposed to search this? So annoying! All right, everything's
00:30coming together. Now, let's see. Wait, has the TV always been this black? Ugh, it's off.
00:35I don't know. Maybe I should cover it with a poster or something. Vivid, cool, breezy.
00:40Something that still fits the party vibe. Ten more minutes. So close. An all-time record.
00:48Cycling for an hour straight, easy. I've got this. Wait, hold on. Isn't today the big
00:53playoff? It's already past 2 p.m. Where's the remote? Where's the remote? Do I get off?
00:56No, no, no, my record. No, the remote. Someone, someone just please change the channel for
01:01me. Ooh, finally, season two. I waited three whole months for this. Left work at 5 p.m.
01:09on the dot just for this. Wait, what's that? No subtitles? Seriously? Broadcast TV doesn't
01:15even have subs now. When did it release them? Wouldn't it just be faster for me to learn
01:18Korean? At last, some me time. What should I do before dinner? Bark at the squirrel?
01:27Squirrel! Should I grab a toy? Wait, my favorite show on dog TV should be on right now, but
01:33it's off? He knows I love watching TV. Why does he always leave it off? The TV's on!
01:43It's a miracle! This is amazing! Yeah!
