• 2 months ago


00:00I don't know how you all gave 100 bucks, but I am saying that there is no banner,
00:05there is no preparation to give blood.
00:07Every time, LD people, every time, if we try to make them understand,
00:16how many of them do this, how many of them do that, they don't come back.
00:23Because in our politics, everyone is trying,
00:28that we keep a blood donation camp and give blood to everyone.
00:32In that, no matter how much we try to make them understand, they don't come back.
00:35So today, Ajay bhai and his team came,
00:40and in Red Cross, there is really an atmosphere of excitement.
00:47And the Red Cross Society Initiative, they have kept faith.
00:51The big thing is that they have kept faith.
00:55That we will donate blood here and it will be used for good.
00:58And because of that faith, the Red Cross Society,
01:03and right now there is such an effort,
01:05that every district, every district is going to do it, right?
01:09Every district, if there is a Red Cross Society, they will get blood there.
01:13And whoever is poor, if they want to test anyone,
01:18then we are giving them blood, and we are taking their money,
01:22and even if they don't take the money, they will get the blood.
01:25We are making such arrangements.
01:31So it is a very good initiative.
01:33As a government, wherever we have to stand with them,
01:37we are also ready to stand with them.
01:40So every district, every district.
01:45Because there won't be just blood donation,
01:47but there will also be generic medicines.
01:49For example, Vada Pradhan Shree,
01:52generic medicines for those who don't have money.
01:57But there is a mindset that a label, a company,
02:02if they take the medicines of that company, they will get better.
02:05There are many people here who are old.
02:09Everyone sitting here must know that the first doctor,
02:12you and I have been to many places.
02:14There are three colours of tablets,
02:16and we have only one colour, no matter how painful it is.
02:23And you go to the ground, you see.
02:25How did we get so old here?
02:28We got old because of the Red Cross.
02:32Right now, you should say,
02:34if it is a non-repairable one, we won't take it.
02:37If it is like this, we won't take it.
02:39If it is lying on the floor, we won't take it at all.
02:43Here, the back door is like this,
02:45if you run from door to door,
02:46they will catch you and put you on the floor.
02:53Because we were working hard.
02:55At that time, it was like hard work.
02:57So, no matter how painful it is,
03:01it will go away.
03:04We don't want to stay here too long.
03:06We don't want to sit here.
03:08Right now, we want to sit here.
03:09So, the medicine is also leaving after two days.
03:12We don't want to stay here.
03:13Right now, I want to stay here.
03:18But it is a very good initiative
03:22taken by the Red Cross Society.
03:34They have also thought of a pathology laboratory.
03:37Dental clinic, physiotherapy center,
03:41along with this,
03:42along with the Red Cross Society office,
03:45all these facilities will be made available.
03:47This is an effort for that.
03:49So, according to which,
03:52believe me, Vala Pradhan Shree,
03:54life is based on co-ordination.
03:58According to which,
03:59our lifestyle has become,
04:01those who don't have to spend money,
04:04those who are in good health,
04:06they co-ordinate.
04:08And even in co-ordination,
04:10you can't co-ordinate for any reason.
04:13And the medicine has arrived,
04:15even by mistake.
04:16So, for the medicine,
04:17there is a life span.
04:19And that life span,
04:21that is why I can say today,
04:24that those who are young people,
04:26who really have a problem,
04:28who really have to spend 2-3 lakh rupees in their life,
04:33then perhaps,
04:34they have stopped sending their children to school
04:36and are sending them to work.
04:38For all of them,
04:39those who are in this situation,
04:42you can ask their state of mind.
04:45Their strength has increased so much
04:47that they don't get tired.
04:51If you see,
04:52what is the co-ordination of each other?
04:54But if you tell someone,
04:56that I am sitting with you,
04:58then he will say,
