• 2 months ago

Frank’s FastFood - A Narrator (Dean Brochu Smith) interests two kids (Yancy Barnes, Simeon Ash Arm) to go to a fast food restaurant in a fake commercial.

The Coolest President in The World (#1) - A narrator (Arm) lists all the “cool things” the president (Drew McAllister) has done.

Judge Flappy & Baliff Burgess - Judge Flappy (Barnes) and his friend, Balif Burgess (Adrian Alabaster) look for a criminal who dropped out of a case.

Chasing Chris Gordon - Christopher Gordon (Barnes) runs away from a movie theater owner (Arm) due to exploding paint bombs in the movie theater bathroom.

Weird Thing - Three Kids (Barnes, Arm, Alabaster) look at a very weird Gif and come up with a video about it.


