• 2 months ago
Firefighters have managed to slow the spread of a bushfire on Victoria’s south-west coast this morning at Apollo Bay. There are two watch and act warnings in place for a bushfire burning at Cape Otway. It is not safe to return or leave Blanket Bay campground, or Cape Otway.


00:00There's more than a hundred campers from Bimby Caravan Park and other nearby camping sites
00:07down in Cape Otway.
00:09They were evacuated about 3am this morning, came here to Apollo Bay, which is about half
00:13an hour away, in a drop-in centre like the one behind me.
00:17A lot of them were sleeping on the floor, there were kids' movies playing, coffee, tea,
00:21and now a lot of them are out enjoying Apollo Bay, enjoying the beach and the cafes, which
00:25is quite nice considering the fairly scary morning they had.
00:29We did speak to a few of them when we got here and I think we've got some grabs there.
00:35Pack up your belongings and your personals, get in your car and it's time to evacuate,
00:41let's get out of here.
00:42A whole lot get left behind there.
00:44Someone was knocking at our, where we sleep in a roof tent, someone was knocking at the
00:48ladder telling us that we should not pack up anything, just leave because they have
00:53to evacuate the campground.
00:56We basically just took our passports and some money and left.
01:01We hope it doesn't ever happen ever again.
01:05And so you say it's calm there Harrison, what about weather conditions, what are they like
01:12It's not too hot fortunately, I think we're hovering about the mid-twenties at the moment.
01:15There is still a bit of wind around, not particularly strong at the moment fortunately, so I think
01:22the fireys who appear to have done a very good job of getting this one under control
01:26earlier today may have a good chance of continuing their work and getting it put out.
01:33And just before we went to air, I believe they were making a decision on when they may
01:39be allowing some campers to head back, it's still hoped by most people here behind me
01:43that that will happen mid-afternoon or early evening.
