• 2 months ago


01:19Similar to how
01:21Lord Krishna vanquished and defeated the poisonous snake Kaliya and
01:27purified the Yamuna River
01:30February 5th is a day of deliverance
01:33The 1.5 crore people of Delhi have been awaiting to vote and boot out the corrupt con man
01:39Kejriwal and bless the BJP
01:42the countdown
01:44For change in Delhi has begun and it will culminate in both
01:48The removal of this fraudulent up regime and the arrival of a new Delhi dawn
01:55Under a BJP led government
01:57The last 10 years the AAP government has betrayed the people on all fronts
02:02It is only because of the malicious misrule of AAP that students in a coaching center drowned
02:10Innocent people lost their lives due to electric shocks because of water logging in Delhi
02:16Access to clean drinking water is not a sinful luxury like Kejriwal's Sesh Mahal
02:22Access to drinking water is a necessity. It is a fundamental right, but the AAP government failed to deliver it and
02:31When Mr. Kejriwal was questioned about why the Yamuna which is the lifeline of Delhi had not been cleaned in the past 10 years
02:38He arrogantly mocked and said cleaning the Yamuna will not get you votes
02:44This is the corrupt arrogance of Kejriwal, which will be punished come February 5th
02:50Not only that this AAPada as
02:54Fittingly described by the Prime Minister this disastrous government of AAP has been a roadblock and has blocked all good central government schemes
03:03Ushered in by Prime Minister Modi ji from benefiting the people of Delhi take the example of Ayushman Bharat scheme
03:09Modi ji has given the largest health cover scheme for Indians and 55 crore
03:15Indians are being covered. They can avail up to five lakh
03:18Rupees per year health treatment in health emergencies, but that is not you know coming and it is not