• 2 months ago
"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Market Buzz, Rabu (08/01/2025) dengan Tema Analisis Saham PGAS, SSIA, PANI, BRPT".


00:05We will show you the recommendations of the stocks.
00:07You can see the complete data on the screen.
00:09There are Pegasus, SSEA, PANI BRPT.
00:12These are the stocks chosen by the analysts.
00:14What is interesting about these four stocks?
00:18Maybe out of these four,
00:21relatively, maybe PANI and BRPT.
00:24Because BRPT is actually like a proxy against the brand.
00:28Because they have about 30-40%.
00:31So if the value of the brand increases,
00:33the value of BRPT should also increase.
00:35PANI, it seems that recently,
00:38the share price movement is also quite busy.
00:41So it looks like these two.
00:43If SSEA, maybe more focused on property.
00:49We know that the industrial estate is being pushed by the government.
00:54So it is possible to get positive sentiment.
00:57While for Pegasus, maybe the issue is a bit soft.
01:00Because actually yesterday there was an issue for the cheap gas price.
01:05So the cheap gas price looks like it will be pushed by the government.
01:09Previously, if it was not pushed, it would be positive for Pegasus.
01:13But if the gas price is extended,
01:16maybe it will be a correction for Pegasus.
01:21The positions you give are support resistant or buy price?
01:27Buy price and target.
01:30Like Pegasus, 1,630.
01:32The target is 1,725.
01:35Speculative buy.
01:36SSEA enters at 1,100.
01:38The target is 1,170.
01:40Buy on weakness.
01:41PANI, 17,000.
01:44Entering level, right?
01:45Yes, correct.
01:46Entering level, there is a target of 18,575.
01:50And there is BRPT.
01:51Buy too.
01:52Entering level, 995.
01:54We target around 1,065.
01:56If we look at it, the range is not too wide.
02:00What are your tips?
02:02Is it interesting to look at the short term?
02:05Or how?
02:06In short.
02:07It looks like so far, it's just a short-term opportunity.
02:11Because again, if we talk about the pet and market as a whole,
02:14the mode is still wait and see.
02:17So the big line from medium to long term,
02:20let's see first.
02:21So we are more opportunistic in the short term.
02:24Opportunistic in the short term.
02:26We update the position of the joint share price index,
02:28as complete as you can see in the RTI data,
02:30or what you have.
02:32The IHSG is currently still strong at 0.28% at 7,102.
02:36Higher than the closing yesterday at 7,080.
02:39At the moment, it has broken at 7,100 again.
02:42With shares that have become top gainers based on value,
02:44is the Raja share, Rukun Raharja.
02:47Maybe in line with the IPO from Ratu.
02:50Then there is BMRI, Bang Mandiri,
02:52which also experienced a 0.89% gain,
02:56while Raja 4.5%.
02:58Then there is PANI, Telkom, KSEX, Cuan,
03:02YOII, which is also a new IPO.
03:04The losers are AMMN, Buka, Meja, TPIA, SSEA, JIHD,
03:11Then from the sectoral movement,
03:13Energi Memimpin and also Keuangan.
03:16And we see that the infrastructure is leading the weakness.
03:19What is the highlight of this morning's update?
03:23Mr. Chandra, maybe we can see,
03:25the Raja is strong or there is something else?
03:28Yes, that's it.
03:29So for now, because there is an IPO 3,
03:31maybe it will be concentrated there first.
03:34As far as the market is concerned,
03:36maybe like we said earlier,
03:38we are looking for gain to recover
03:40from the correction last year.
03:46Is there a target for GSG?
03:49Not far away, I think.
03:50It will still be the same as before,
03:52because the fundamentals are still outside,
03:54still relative to the policy of the Fed.
03:56It's still a question mark.
03:57Maybe the strengthening will not be too massive.
04:01The strengthening will not be too massive.
04:05Thank you, Mr. Chandra, for sharing the information.
04:07Unfortunately, our time is limited.
04:09Hopefully it can be a reference for you
04:11in investing in the capital market.
04:12See you again, sir.
04:14Yes, thank you.
