• 2 months ago


00:00Corona, Beta, Delta, Delta Plus, Gamma, Gappa, Omicron and many other variants of the virus.
00:13All these viruses were extremely violent.
00:19Mr. Vijay Bhaskar said here,
00:21In a press conference, he said that we should live with the virus.
00:28That's not what I said.
00:30WHO's Chief Scientist, Dr. Soumya Saminathan, said this two years ago.
00:37I said, when all these viruses come,
00:39we can't avoid the arrival of such viruses all over the world.
00:44We can't avoid living with the virus.
00:48WHO's Chief Scientist, Dr. Soumya Saminathan said this.
00:53Anyway, according to this virus, it is not a virulent virus.
00:59There are no special medicines for this.
01:01There is no special treatment for this.
01:03There is only one prescription for this.
01:05It will be gone in 3 to 6 days.
01:11There is no need for us to go all over the world and get tested for this.
01:20When a patient goes for a test,
01:25there is a possibility that there is HMPV.
01:29It will go by itself.
01:31There is no need to be afraid of this.
01:34There is no need to worry about this.
01:37There is no need for special beds for this.
01:40When I asked,
01:42did WHO implement any emergency measures?
01:46When COVID-19 hit in 2019,
01:49WHO declared a medical emergency.
01:53On May 5, 2023,
01:56they did the same thing again.
01:59After that, when monkey's mother came,
02:03there was an emergency measure.
04:08Thank you very much.
