• 2 months ago


00:00I am not ready to give him anything other than that.
00:06So, these kinds of violations will not go to waste in Kerala.
00:10The people of Kerala are capable of understanding all that.
00:14What is the status of the Sangadana Dharanadapam?
00:16There is no problem with the Sangadana Dharanadapam. It is going well.
00:19There is no need for you to be upset.
00:24BJP has been conducting the Sangadana Dharanadapam properly for the past three years.
00:29We have been conducting the Sangadana Dharanadapam with respect from the Bhutanese generation to the Desi generation.
00:35Does your party, Congress, have any other Sangadana Dharanadapam?
00:39What is the status of your party?
00:41Does Congress have any interference in this?
00:45Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi are not deciding.
00:49Are we like that?
00:51We are decided by the party workers.
00:54We conducted the Sangadana Dharanadapam properly.
00:56You can always call a party that is involved in the democratic process and ask them what is the status of their party.
01:01What is the status of Congress?
01:03Congress is going to go through something.
01:05The booth president is going to come.
01:07The block president is going to come.
01:09It is like an elephant coming.
01:11How long has it been since Congress conducted the Sangadana Dharanadapam?
01:14How long has it been since Congress removed the booth presidents?
01:18How long has it been since Congress removed the party presidents?
01:22How long has it been since Congress removed the block presidents?
01:26How long has it been since Congress removed the district DCC presidents?
01:30We conducted the Sangadana Dharanadapam properly through the democratic process.
01:36It is a party that gives opportunities to new people.
01:39What is the status of your party?
01:41We will not have any problem.
01:43We will conduct the Sangadana Dharanadapam properly.
01:49We do not want Congress to interfere in that.
01:53I am the 10th party president.
01:59I was the party president when I was 49 years old.
02:05I have not given opportunities to new people.
02:09Will I sit in this chair?
02:11What is the status of CPM?
02:14He will change only if he dies.
02:16He will change only if he dies.
02:21He will not file a case.
02:25Our party will not change the system in the right time.
02:33The party leaders will not change the system in the right time.
02:41Our party is not like that.
02:43We are a party with different ways of doing things, so no one has a say in what we do.
02:50Will there be a change in Thakol Sanam?
02:52We don't have Thakol Sanam, that's for some other people.
02:55For us, all Sanams are important.
02:58Thakol Sanam is not just one Sanam, we have a team.
