Rasha Thadani, Aman Devgan, and Abhishek Kapoor were recently spotted promoting their upcoming movie, and they totally rocked their respective looks. Rasha stunned in a chic black denim short dress, keeping her makeup and accessories to a minimum. She let her gorgeous locks flow freely, adding to her effortless charm.Aman Devgan, on the other hand, brought a warm, earthy vibe to the table. Meanwhile, Abhishek Kapoor, the mastermind behind Azad, kept things cool and casual in a crisp white tee and blue denim jeans.
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#EktaKapoor #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Rasha Thadani, Aman Devgan and Abhishek Kapoor were recently spotted promoting their upcoming
00:07movie Azaad and they totally rocked their respective looks.
00:11Rasha stunned in a chic black denim short dress, keeping her makeup and accessories
00:15to a minimum.
00:17She let her gorgeous locks flow freely, adding to her effortless charm.
00:21Aman Devgan, on the other hand, brought a warm, earthy vibe to the table.
00:26He paired a brown shirt with beige pants and a chocolate brown jacket, completing his
00:31look with sleek sunglasses and shoes.
00:34Meanwhile, Abhishek Kapoor, the mastermind behind Azaad, kept things cool and casual
00:39in a crisp white tee and blue denim jeans.
00:42Together, the trio exuded a sense of excitement and camaraderie that's got us eagerly awaiting
00:48their movie.
00:49The movie is produced by RSVP and Guy in the Sky Pictures and boasts an impressive ensemble
00:55cast, including Ajay Devgn, Aman Devgan, Rasha Thadani, Diana Penty, Mohit Malik and
01:02Piyush Mishra, directed by Abhishek Kapoor, known for his work in films like Kai Poche
01:07and Rock On.