• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Inca Cgil 80 anni al fianco dei cittadini

120 secondi

Finestra sui mercati
Clima 2024, eventi estremi aumentati di sei volte in 10 anni

‘Sentire la montagna’, al Museo di Vermiglio una stanza sensoriale senza barriere


00:00Inca CGL 80 years old next to the citizens, following 120 seconds of news, window on
00:29the markets.
01:29We have worked millions of practices in Italy and in the world and of course we are waiting for it,
01:39I say it as Inca but also in the name on behalf of the CEPA that I am pleased to represent.
01:46The CEPA is the association that brings together the owners of Inca CGL, Inasecisl, Italwil
01:54and Leacli.
01:55We obviously host a reform, a reform that was promised to us in 2024.
02:04In fact, in 2023, when we had presented the social balance as Inca, we had guests,
02:16among others, the undersecretary to the Ministry of Labor, Senator Claudio Durigon, who had
02:25promised us that 2024 would be the year of reform.
02:31Subsequently, we had several meetings with the Ministry and also meetings directly
02:40with the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, who had renewed the idea and the will of the
02:50government to proceed with a reform.
02:54This reform has not arrived, we hope that at this point 2025 will be the year of reform
03:05and of course next year will be an important year for us because we will celebrate these 80 years,
03:1180 years of constant commitment.
03:16When we tell our story, we like to approach it to that of the country.
03:23We were born by the will of our founding fathers, one of these I want to remember in particular
03:30is Giuseppe Di Vittorio.
03:32He imagined the idea of ​​an institute that, immediately after the Nazi-fascist oppression,
03:42should have given support to the weakest and the most fragile.
03:48With pride and with a great desire to do so, we were the founders of the social emancipation of the country and of the community.
04:01In September 2024, industrial production in Italy recorded a significant annual fluctuation of 4%,
04:09largely attributable to the sectors of the manufacture of means of transport and clothing,
04:13with a drop of 15.4% and 10.7% respectively.
04:19The sectors with the highest green occupancy rate, over 20% of the total occupation of the sector,
04:25are electricity, steam and air supply, water supply, sewage, waste management and charity activities,
04:31followed closely by buildings, with 18% of green jobs in the sector,
04:36reveals a study by C40, the global network of mayors of the main world cities.
04:41Compared to the previous month, October 2024,
04:45unemployment has increased compared to the decrease in unemployment,
04:49reported by Istat, communicating a subsequent increase in employment,
04:53plus 0.2%, equal to 47,000 units, which leads to an increase in employment rate of 0.1 points at 62.5%.
05:01The first four tax havens in the world are the Principality of Monaco, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
05:06and the Inchestan and the Channel Islands, which are located in the Manica Canal.
05:10Only the fifth is the only non-European tax haven of this blacklist, the Bermuda,
05:15reported by the CGA's office of studies.
05:17Gas bill prices are rising, also for vulnerable customers.
05:21The value of the raw material of the gas vulnerability protection service in December 2024
05:26has in fact increased by 2.5% compared to November, the RERA underlines.
05:31In the third quarter of 2024, the incidence of the public administration deficit on the GDP
05:36has improved significantly compared to the corresponding quarter of 2023,
05:40attesting to at least 2.3%, reported by Istat,
05:44noting that it had been equal to minus 6.3% in the same quarter of last year.
05:49The new year opens with bad news for Italian motorists.
05:53Car tax rates continue to grow, with negative effects even on virtuous drivers.
05:57According to data from the Facile.it observatory,
06:00in December 2024, to insure a four-wheel vehicle in Italy,
06:04an average of 643.95 euros was required,
06:07that is, 6.19% more than 12 months earlier.
06:17In 2025 could be the year of cryptocurrencies,
06:20with Bitcoin expected at $150,000 and Ethereum at $8,000,
06:24thanks to a favorable regulatory environment and a greater institutional adoption.
06:27A positive macroeconomic climate further strengthens growth prospects.
06:322025 is foreseen as the crucial year for the cryptocurrency market,
06:36with Bitcoin and Ethereum at the center of unprecedented growth.
06:40After the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States,
06:43the digital currency sector has recorded a significant swing,
06:46driven by expectations of a more favorable regulatory framework
06:49and a greater institutional adoption.
06:51The price of Bitcoin, which has already soared to $100,000,
06:54could reach up to $150,000 in the coming months,
06:57according to analysis by Steno Research.
07:00This increase would be supported by a mix of economic and regulatory factors,
07:03including the possible inclusion of a pro-Bitcoin figure
07:06under the leadership of the SEC, the US Federal Authority on Financial Markets.
07:10Interest in ETFs on Bitcoin is growing exponentially,
07:13with a record flow of $1.3 billion in a single day.
07:17Analysts predict that by 2025,
07:20cryptocurrency funds traded in the stock market could attract up to $48 billion,
07:24marking a milestone in the institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies.
07:28Ethereum, the second cryptocurrency for market capitalization,
07:31also promises to reach new heights.
07:33Steno Research predicts that its value could reach $8,000,
07:36as well as its historic peaks,
07:38the growing demand for decentralized applications, Dapps,
07:41and the central role of Ethereum in the sectors of decentralized finance, DeFi,
07:45and non-fungible NFT tokens,
07:47feeding its potential for growth.
07:49Prospects for the cryptocurrency market in 2025
07:53are based on a positive macroeconomic climate,
07:55with interest rates falling and greater liquidity on the market,
07:58the conditions seem ideal for risky asset investments such as cryptocurrencies,
08:02thus adding a clearer and more encouraging regulatory environment.
08:06The United States in particular could attract companies in the political grace sector
08:09that favor innovation and competitiveness.
08:12Investors are optimistic about the expansion of ETFs and spots on Bitcoin and Ethereum,
08:16which should record flows of $28.5 billion,
08:20consolidating the interests of institutions.
08:51Climate 2024 and extreme events increased by 6 times in 10 years.
08:57Feel the mountains.
08:58At the Vermilion Museum, a sensory room without a barrier.
09:06Difficult year in Italy for the effects of the climate crisis.
09:10For the third consecutive year,
09:12more than 300 extreme weather events have hit the peninsula,
09:15reaching 351.
09:17An inconstant number has grown in the last 10 years.
09:20In 2024, an increase in extreme weather events of almost 6 times,
09:25a plus 485% compared to 2015, when 60 were recorded.
09:30The increase in damage from prolonged drought,
09:33plus 54.5% compared to 2023,
09:37from flooding, plus 24%,
09:39and from flooding due to heavy rains, plus 12%.
09:43This is the end-of-year balance sheet under the Climate Profile,
09:46drawn from the Climate-Environment City Observatory
09:49and carried out in collaboration with the Unipol Group.
09:52In more detail,
09:53Northern Italy is the most affected, with 198 extreme weather events,
09:57followed by the south, 92 winds, and the center, 61.
10:00At the regional level, this year,
10:02Emilia-Romagna, with 52 winds,
10:04is the region most affected by the climate crisis,
10:07while Sicily is the one that has suffered the most from drought.
10:10Among the provinces, first place goes to Bologna,
10:13with 17 extreme weather events.
10:15Among the big cities, the capital is the most affected.
10:23Inclusive and accessible for everyone.
10:25For Valdisole,
10:26to assert itself more and more as a barrier-free destination
10:29is a commitment carried out through concrete actions.
10:33Among these, the realization of a sensory room
10:36inside the Museo della Guerra Bianca di Vermiglio,
10:38which also offers the opportunity to people with visual disabilities
10:42to be projected into the life of a soldier on the front.
10:45The initiative, called Caramamma,
10:47is part of the project Sentire la Montagna,
10:50thanks to which in Pitti Valdisole
10:52and in Pitti Madonna di Campiglio
10:54the provincial band Trentino per Tutti was adjudicated,
10:57promoted by the Autonomous Province of Trento.
11:00Making an accessible destination means
11:02reasoning according to the criteria and logics of inclusive design.
11:05So, from the beginning,
11:07think about experiences, products or attractions like museums for everyone.
11:11The project Sentire la Montagna with Caramamma
11:13works precisely on this,
11:14not only to adapt existing proposals,
11:16but from the beginning,
11:18to build an experience that is inclusive and accessible for everyone.
11:22Entering the immersive room inside the museum,
11:25visitors will be able to completely immerse themselves
11:27in the story of a soldier of the First World War
11:30who, in a complicated fringe of conflict,
11:32decides to write an intense and deep letter to his mother.
11:36Words, sounds and lights
11:38will allow the viewer to live an engaging and intense moment.
11:42The Museo della Guerra Bianca di Vermiglio
11:44is, let's say, an important part of our history.
11:48Let's say, in here,
11:50you can find all the findings
11:53that lead us to a moment of suffering
11:56that, however, is part of our community.
11:59And, let's say, it's also always a lesson to carry on.
12:03What can you learn here?
12:05You certainly learn and see
12:07what the suffering of those years was for a community.
12:11And yet, it's also a nice message,
12:13the war hurts, we have to go on
12:15and, in short, let's hope that in the future
12:18it will be a lesson and a lesson.
12:22So it's always important to have moments of peace
12:26and with this memory, memory is very important
12:29and let's start from here, let's launch this message of peace.
12:32The Caramamma initiative follows the creation of other sensory rooms
12:36inside the Museo della Civiltà Solandra di Malè,
12:39a sua volta completamente accessibile
12:41a soggetti con disabilità motori e visive.
