• 2 months ago
Michel, un joven limpiabotas en La Habana, mantiene vivo un oficio que poco a poco ha ido desapareciendo en Cuba.
Trabaja en la esquina de Monte y Cárdenas, donde ofrece sus servicios por 50 pesos para quienes buscan darle un nuevo brillo a sus zapatos.
#SOSCuba 🇨🇺 #OficiosDeCuba #CubaEnCrisis #ADNCuba


00:00The only one in the whole city, and I swear, I think it's the only one in the whole country,
00:25of the few that are left, on the other side there is another, but it is not the same quality, look at this,
00:43there are no cleaners, it is not common for there to be cleaners, how many years have you been cleaning?
00:51Three? And how do you get the products now? Because they no longer sell anything to clean the boots or shoes.
00:59At the fair.
01:00At the fair?
01:02And you pay them a license, a program and everything?
01:06And the clientele, how is it?
01:09It's relative.
01:11Does it come a lot or a little?
01:13It's good.
01:15You haven't given it much publicity, because I see that, hey, you've left me shocked, I see that, hey, you really have this very nice.
01:25Look at this, family, it's something exclusive, something that all Cubans came to clean their shoes,
01:36now the Cuban no longer wants to come to clean his shoes, why? Because they prefer to wear tennis shoes,
01:42and shoes that do not have to be cleaned, but the prices are quite modest.
01:52What is the address that you are located here?
01:55Monte y Cárdenas.
01:56Monte y Cárdenas.
01:58And the corner?
02:00And the cost of the shoes?
02:03For everything they are?
02:05For everything they are 50 pesos.
02:07Boots and everything?
02:10Everything, look there.
02:12Look, family, cleaning of boots and shoes, look, it's the truth.
02:22Look, family.
02:29Look, another customer has arrived.
02:39The grandmother also comes to clean her shoes, what is your name?
03:11Who is the Cuban who did not come to clean his shoes?
03:40Tell me, grandmother, who is the Cuban who has never come to clean his shoes?
03:49I don't know, there are so many things that you can't clean.
03:54But throughout history, the Cuban has always come to clean his shoes where the shoe cleaners are.
04:00Always, always, always.
04:02The Cuban has always come to that.
04:05Look, family, very nice, reporting for ADN Cuba, Carlos Milanés, Julio César Góngora.
