• 2 months ago
छिंदवाड़ा पुलिस ने सड़क दुर्घटना के रोकने के लिए अनोखा अभियान चलाया है. बिना हेलमेट और सीट बेल्ट के शहर से नहीं जा पाओगे बाहर.


00:00As far as I know, January is celebrated as the month of Road Safety
00:06And in this celebration, I have come to the Excellence School, Chimpada
00:13And along with the students and teaching staff, we have organized a road safety seminar
00:22We will discuss what precautions should be taken while walking on the road
00:26And the traffic rules and regulations should be followed
00:30This is what we will discuss today
