• 2 months ago
00:00Let's start with the news that we talked about in detail in our program yesterday.
00:04A strange situation in the city of Karachi, where the gates of the gutters are open and children are falling and dying.
00:11And there have been one, two, three, four, hundreds of such incidents and a strange situation is going on.
00:16Yesterday we tried to have a conversation in front of it, instead of just running a series of statements,
00:23in which there is a solution to it, that this is a shameful problem, a regrettable problem.
00:28There must be a solution to this problem.
00:33And we also promised to follow up on this issue.
00:36Mayor of Karachi is also with us, Mr. Murtaza Wahab.
00:39He listened to the entire conversation in detail and gave answers.
00:42And when we talked about a precise solution, this was a part of our conversation, which you will see.
00:49Let me show you.
00:50It is possible that there is a helpline, a number, that the citizens of Karachi,
00:54where you see a gutter lid open, WhatsApp this number,
00:58and in 24 hours, in 48 hours, this gutter lid will be closed.
01:01Is this possible, Mr. Murtaza Wahab?
01:02Can we get such a number in the next week? Is this possible?
01:05This can definitely be worked on.
01:07I will do this to you one day.
01:09Wasim, if you take out time, I will take you to my plant, where we are making this lid ourselves.
01:15So we have that supply available.
01:17We have a helpline number. Let me intact the whole system.
01:21Inshallah, I will sit with you on this issue in a week.
01:24We will launch that thing. I stand committed on this.
01:27We will definitely follow up on this in a week.
01:30We will talk about it. We will also talk about its solution.
01:33Inshallah, we will try to contribute in a very limited capacity.
01:40As a result, if even one life is saved,
01:42then I think Inshallah Allah will reward it.
01:46Whatever is included in it.
01:47But this is a positive progress.
01:51It was a matter of a week, but from yesterday night till now,
01:56I have been in contact with the Mayor of Karachi and his work.
01:59And that line has been made intact within 24 hours.
02:06We have given the trouble to the Mayor of Karachi, Mr. Murtaza Wahab.
02:09He is with us on the telephone line.
02:11So that he can tell us the details.
02:13If you are watching this, then you should also note this.
02:16The residents of Karachi should also note this.
02:18You should also act on this.
02:20You tell us, tell them,
02:22how effective this matter is proving or not.
02:25And you can expect from us,
02:26that if this matter is proving effective,
02:28then we have the capacity to sit on this platform
02:30and openly praise this action.
02:32And we will talk about the future.
02:34And if the matter does not improve,
02:35then within the limits of decency,
02:37we will criticize in a few words.
02:39Mr. Murtaza Wahab is with us. Assalamualaikum.
02:43Thank you very much for your time.
02:45And thank you very much for this too.
02:47Yesterday when we spoke,
02:48you and I spoke for a week.
02:50But in one day, you have channelized this.
02:54So please tell us,
02:55what is the telephone number,
02:56on which if the residents of Karachi see,
02:58what can they tell?
02:59And what action is taken on this?
03:01Please tell us briefly.
03:02Yes, thank you very much, Wasim.
03:05We have issued a helpline number.
03:08The details of the number are 1334.
03:14If a citizen has a complaint
03:17about not having a manhole cover,
03:21he can file his complaint on this number 24x7.
03:26And it will come to us in our computer record.
03:30And after that,
03:31our team will go to the authorities
03:34and install the cover there.
03:37And on a daily basis,
03:39I will monitor the details myself.
03:43My staff will also monitor it,
03:45so that we know,
03:46where such complaints are being made,
03:49how long it is being resolved.
03:52The second thing, Wasim bhai,
03:54the request I made to you yesterday,
03:56that the issue is not of the supply of manhole covers,
04:00because now we are manufacturing it ourselves,
04:02and we are manufacturing it of good quality.
04:05So today I went through its plant myself,
04:08how much production we have there,
04:12do we have an existing supply available.
04:15So that too,
04:16I will keep telling you,
04:18that we have an existing quantity available.
04:21The complaints that keep coming,
04:23God willing,
04:24we will continue to resolve them.
04:26But once again,
04:27I will emphasize this point,
04:29that installing a manhole cover is an issue.
04:32Its maintenance is an issue.
04:34The person who does mischief with it,
04:36or steals it,
04:37the action against him is an issue.
04:39This is absolutely right,
04:41that even if these manholes are covered,
04:44but at the same rate,
04:45or even at a slower rate,
04:46even if there is theft,
04:47then this exercise is useless,
04:48that you have to install 100,
04:49and still there is theft.
04:50So stopping it is equally,
04:51in fact, perhaps more important.
04:53Otherwise, this is a foolish exercise.
04:55And God willing,
04:56we will continue to talk about this,
04:58and we will also talk to the relevant department people.
05:00But obviously,
05:01installing it is also very important.
05:02So you say that it will be done,
05:03and have you made a time frame in your mind,
05:06that if a complaint comes,
05:07then within 48 hours,
05:08or 72 hours,
05:09or 48 hours,
05:10how soon can it be covered?
05:12Okay, I will tell you,
05:16that at this time,
05:18the existing supply that we have available,
05:21the manhole covers that we have,
05:24that is 4200.
05:27So for this,
05:28we need to buy from many markets,
05:31that it will not take time to make it.
05:34So we can start the process of installing it immediately.
05:38And the complaints that will come,
05:40we will continue to address them.
05:43I have instructed the Water Board Exeunt,
05:46that this needs to be done immediately.
05:49So preferably,
05:50we will try to do this within 24 hours.
05:53But it will depend on how many complaints come.
05:58Because naturally,
05:59the more complaints come,
06:00because of that,
06:01there will be a decrease in speed.
06:03But our effort will be that,
06:05as soon as possible,
06:07it should be addressed.
06:09And as I requested you,
06:11that I will get a daily chart,
06:13that how many complaints have been registered daily,
06:18and how many of those complaints
06:21have been addressed in how long.
06:23And I will get a picture of it,
06:25that even after the push,
06:27they will tell me the situation.
06:29Absolutely right.
06:30And one last thing,
06:32because we have made a couple of calls,
06:36and viewers will call,
06:38they are watching the program,
06:40they will give their feedback,
06:41and we will tell them on television as well,
06:44that at times,
06:45it gets a little bit difficult for the citizen,
06:48that he can tell exactly,
06:50because the details,
06:51at times,
06:52they are asking on the helpline,
06:53that is fine in its place,
06:54but if it can be made easier,
06:55that what is the street number,
06:56what is the plot number,
06:57now a common citizen,
06:58at times,
06:59knows the details,
07:00at times,
07:01he doesn't even know.
07:02So if it can be made a little easier,
07:03if it can be made easier,
07:04that is one.
07:05And secondly,
07:06if there is a need to push it,
07:07even if there is a bug,
07:08then only one thing can be done immediately,
07:09that a temporary barrier should be built around it.
07:12these are two suggestions,
07:13if you can see it.
07:17this is a good point,
07:18I would like to make two requests.
07:20One thing is that,
07:21we are not just depending on the citizens,
07:23our own staff,
07:25our fundamen,
07:27or our exeans,
07:29I have instructed those exeans,
07:31that they themselves will go into the field,
07:32and they will see,
07:33wherever there is such a problem,
07:35they will address it.
07:37The second way is,
07:38your elected councillor there,
07:40the elected UC chairman,
07:42he also has the right,
07:43that where he sees such a loss,
07:46where he sees such a problem,
07:48then either he can use his resources,
07:51he can put a manhole cover,
07:52and if he does not use his resources,
07:54then he can approach the water board,
07:57he can guide them,
07:58that at this place,
08:03you have voiced it,
08:05yes, yes,
08:06I would like to make a request.
08:07Yes, go ahead.
08:08Waseem, sometimes it happens with us,
08:09and this is a social issue of ours,
08:11that sometimes we,
08:12for fun,
08:14for fun,
08:15we also complain,
08:16and in the end,
08:17it has nothing to do with the reality.
08:19I think,
08:20that the resources,
08:21are the property of the people.
08:24the wrong use of those resources,
08:25should not be done.
08:27if such crime calls will come,
08:28or wrong complaints will come,
08:29then in the end,
08:30the citizens will also suffer a loss.
08:33I will request the citizens,
08:34to show the responsibility in this,
08:36and I,
08:38on behalf of my municipality team,
08:41will make sure that,
08:44there will be no negligence in this,
08:47and we will try as much as possible,
08:49to respond as soon as possible,
08:54We are with you.
08:55Thank you very much.
