• 2 months ago
00:00all right it's supposed to be right that's so nasty oh fishes oh what is this oh okay so we
00:10have like um looks fly larvae larvae larvae larvae larvae say francais doc what's the
00:18right terminology it's just it's edible thank you for your science tips what is that wax is
00:26are they going to wax the top golden paste oh okay can't go wrong with golden this is like
00:32those like ancient roman parties where they like have gold people bring out the togas bring out
00:37the toe guys all right a bit of nail nail polish oh why would they go with skin tats so they went
00:48from garlic to rocks okay and what's next what do you think the next step is therapy
00:54it's essential oils this is a good question actually what is in the next thing
00:58extra vinyl okay and even tiles more zip ties okay that's i guess that would work wow even steven
01:07even steven all right and that's how you crack tiles gentlemen wow perfectly correct
01:15nice who'd have thunk it who would have thunk that was it more hot glue a bit of choppy chops
01:20what where's this going doing
01:29that's sick yeah i need that i don't think that would work no i don't think so i think we have
01:35to try it okay they broke glass what get some plastic okay all right protection ah here's some
01:42solution right is that really enough protection though i feel like uh hammer would still do the
01:47trick probably they need to throw it uh you know what yeah we'll test the laser flint
01:52what's going on oh my gosh it's a bat opener that's no bad that's a bottle opener
01:59all right yes okay oh that's just oh that's awesome okay all right ketchup okay they just
02:08lubricated it they lubricated it with ketchup so you're gonna get ketchup chips what that is
02:15the worst flavor it's kind of cool i need to buy this uh this just in we have chopsticks for that
02:19why don't you just use your fingers did that make a mess yeah but then you can lick them afterwards
02:25and it's like bonus snack what was that what is going on that's a good point life hacks with flint
02:30all right the guy's opening the door with a screwdriver she's waiting for him
02:39can you stop breaking it really quick so i can protect myself thank you
02:42if i would hear it i would just run away from house she just but okay all right guys lost in
02:49the wood oh gotta shave myself because i'm in the woods yeah i gotta go bish bash bosh and now
02:57those squirrels are really judgmental squirrels are gonna love me now
03:01nope can't hang my phone there but i'll just use a phone
03:05stand oh nice for a car all right wow okay a little light bulb flashlights are a thing too
03:11all right they have flashlights that hang too that's uh
