• last month


00:30This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people in one place.
00:37This is the first time I have seen such a large number of people in one place.
00:42You should drive slowly.
00:44You should drive slowly.
00:46You should not use earphones.
00:48You should not use earphones.
00:50You should not use earphones.
00:52You should not use earphones.
00:54This happens daily or night to you.
00:56You should not follow what you are told.
00:58You have to wear a helmet, and bear all the consequences.
01:21What the hell?
01:22And you don't have any solution to solve this problem?
01:28This is a unique problem
01:31We have tried to solve this problem
01:36In the last few days, the number of road accidents has increased
01:40And there have been many bad accidents
01:42The light of our house has gone off
01:44We are all mothers here
01:46So that we can tell our children
01:48That you should wear a helmet not only for yourself but also for your family
01:52And we are seeing on the streets that not only children, teenagers and young people
01:58Even women and old people are not wearing helmets
02:01Even one old man told us that there are so many children left in his life
02:05So why should I wear a helmet?
02:07I don't know how the traffic police deals with such people
02:11We always accuse the police
02:13But we want to help such social people
02:17We don't want to accuse anyone
02:19Why are you accusing the police for our lives?
02:21We want to help the society
02:23We want to help the society
02:25Wearing a helmet is not a big deal
02:27I have been wearing it for the last 20-25 years
02:31My helmet got stolen once or twice
02:33But I took it back immediately
02:35My wife is also with me
02:37She knows that I don't leave the house without it
02:40I pray and wear a helmet
02:42This is my habit
02:44How do you feel and what do you want to tell people?
02:46I would like to say that
02:48Not because of the fear of the police or the administration
02:50But you should definitely wear it
02:52I have fallen twice
02:54But this helmet was mine
02:56I have never been hurt
02:58So I would like to appeal to everyone
03:00That you should definitely wear it
03:02It is necessary for our family
