• 2 months ago
01:16KTR as a leader as a working president of the party respects the rule of law
01:22so therefore we abide by the ACB notice and then today he's in front of them to
01:31cooperate and then give any kind of responses that the ACB asked for or
01:35tomorrow ED asked for but the fact of the matter is that it is a case of
01:40Vendetta it's a classic case of Vendetta where there is no criminal conspiracy a
01:47criminal conspiracy and breach of trust kind of a cases have been framed against
01:51him if at all it is a something that has to be worried about that is a
01:57irregularity but not an illegality that amounts to a sort of a criminal
02:02conspiracy or a breach of trust the kind of sections that the ACB has framed
02:07clearly appears that they are acting like puppets in the hands of the CM
02:14Raven thread D and the ruling government and the police and the ACB are totally
02:19misled are being misled by the present government mr. Raven thread you know
02:37this is a classic case of again a low journalism a gobel's campaign only mr.
02:42Raven thread D and his henchmen are trying to indulge in this kind of a
02:46campaign 41 crores of electoral bonds were bought by green core sometime in
02:532022 now if somebody has given me 40 crores I am in the government so I
02:59should give him some benefit right here in this case he has accepted to be a
03:04sponsor because he incurred a loss I don't want to continue so where is the
03:08question of that the government has facilitated any kind of a benefit to
03:11green core because he has bought the green the electoral bonds number one
03:16almost about 1,400 crowds the Congress Party has got through electoral bonds
03:22and one of the the organization of the company which has given the electoral
03:28bonds is mega engineering and mega engineering almost about hundred and
03:32fifty eight crores through its subsidiaries has given now mega
03:36engineering does so many contracts they gave 158 crores to Congress Party
03:42through the electoral bonds and the same Congress government led by mr. Raven
03:47thread D gives thousands of crores of worth of contracts do I assume that it
03:52is also because of the quid pro quo because mega has given hundred and
03:57fifty eight crores so therefore Congress has given thousands crores of contract
04:02in on is the chief minister's own constituency there is a project called
04:07Kodungal lift irrigation project it's a they've called for a tenders of two
04:11thousand two hundred crores half of it has gone to mega engineering half of it
04:16has gone to Raghava constructions which is owned by Pongalit Srinivas Reddy
04:20who's a minister in the government is it not violation of the office of the
04:25prophet nonsense they're trying to indulge into defame BRS defame KCR KCR
04:32I think you both a Hindi me a but calm than the Joe Adam equal a tie see they
04:39fool calm a bus got there Raven thread D does not have any work to fulfill the
04:44electoral promises Raven thread D is incompetent to run the government to
04:48make the state into a productive state and then fulfill all the electoral
04:52promises he failed in giving the pensions he failed in doing the complete
04:58loan waiver he failed
