• 2 months ago


00:00What happened in Malda is a very unfortunate incident.
00:04I had a lot of acquaintance with Bablada.
00:07We did a lot of programs together in Malda.
00:11I was the chairman of the school and the chairman of the school council.
00:16So, I had to go to different districts for that.
00:20I had acquaintance.
00:23I had security for about five years.
00:29It was in the month of November, 2022.
00:33Then I suddenly realized that I had to be provided security again.
00:40I don't know why I was fired and why I had to be reinstated.
00:45The administration can say this.
00:47Those who withdrew and those who reinstated can say this.
00:53I can't say for others, but I can say for an incident.
00:56It happened in the month of November, 2022.
01:03A lot of overloaded trucks would enter the city at any time.
01:08When there was a rush in the city, two people died in our party office.
01:14One of them was the general secretary of the Juba Congress, Bidesh Daugaria.
01:20The other one was the vice president of the Juba Congress, Bittu Singh.
01:25They were killed.
01:27Since then, we have been taking care of this issue in the city.
01:32The overloaded trucks should not run.
01:36And even if it runs, it should run at a time when ordinary people are not in danger.
01:44This incident happened at that time.
01:49I am not an insider.
01:52It is not possible for me to know who thinks what.
01:57The administration can say that.
02:00But I was five years old before this incident.
02:04When I woke up, I found out about this incident at the appropriate level of the administration.
02:10After that, I did not have security for two years.
02:15As you said, I was involved in various movements and protests.
02:20So, my party officer did not allow me to leave my house.
02:26Then I suddenly realized that security was provided to me.
02:32I have a two-year-old son and an 80-year-old daughter.
02:43My wife is the headmistress of a high-secondary school.
02:49I know you very well.
02:52My family and many people told me to be careful.
02:56They do not worry.
