• 2 months ago
দলছুট দুটি হাতি দাপিয়ে বেড়ালো আলিপুরদুয়ারের ফালাকাটা শহরে । গার্লস হাইস্কুলের দেওয়াল থেকে 17 নম্বর জাতীয় সড়কের একাধিক লোহার রেলিং ভেঙে দেয় হাতিগুলি ৷


00:00It is believed that the fire is caused by a water leak in the
00:07water tank. The fire is also believed to have been caused
00:14by a water leak in the water tank.
00:30It is believed that the fire is caused by a water leak in the
00:37water tank.
01:00It is believed that the fire is caused by a water leak in the
01:07water tank.
01:30It is believed that the fire is caused by a water leak in the
01:37water tank.
02:00It is believed that the fire is caused by a water leak in the
02:07water tank.
