• 2 months ago
बिहार विधानसभा में अब पेपर का इस्तेमाल नहीं होगा, जानिए कब से. अविनाश कुमार की रिपोर्ट


00:00The Bihar Legislative Assembly has also started preparing to go paperless.
00:04And the information we are getting is that before the budget session,
00:07a tab will be placed in the Legislative Assembly and those who are in favour of it will get the answer to their questions on that.
00:15In total, all the work will be done through the tablet.
00:20Because a lot of paper is being used right now, so the use of paper will be stopped.
00:26It will be a paperless Legislative Assembly and we have with us the chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Narendra Nayyadav.
00:32Sir, what is the preparation to make a paperless Legislative Assembly?
00:36What is happening? When will it happen?
00:38Mr. Bhaskar, you have asked a very important question.
00:44We want to do the paperless work as soon as possible.
00:52So that in a short time, the members of the Legislative Assembly can know the answer to all the questions.
00:59And through the National Legislative Assembly application, we will train the members of the Legislative Assembly.
01:10We will educate them.
01:12And I believe that we will complete this paperless work by the time of the budget session.
01:22And you know that the North-East CPA Assembly is about to take place.
01:29All our work is in progress and it will take some time.
01:34And we will try to complete this paperless work by the time of the budget session.
01:44The problem is that there are many MPs who do not know how to use a computer.
01:48They do not know how to use a tablet.
01:49They will face problems.
01:50You will train them.
01:52Yes, you are right, Mr. Bhaskar.
01:54Through the National Legislative Assembly, we will set a time and train them.
02:04You mean after the session?
02:06Yes, after the session, we will train them.
02:09What will be the benefit of paperless work?
02:12Firstly, we will save time.
02:15The environment will be good.
02:18We will get the right answer at the right place.
02:21There will be no mistakes.
02:24The Legislative Assembly is working in many states.
02:30Many states have become paperless.
02:33The people of Bihar will also work in the paperless Legislative Assembly.
02:38Because there are many problems.
02:42In the paper, there are many times when there is a mistake and the answer is not right.
02:49That is why preparations are being made.
02:52And the MPs will be given proper training for this.
02:55As the Legislative Assembly has instructed.
02:56With cameraman Ashok, Abhinash, ETB Bharat, Patna.
