• 2 months ago
Vice Ganda: “Si Jarren ang bago ko kasing Ryan Bang”

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00:00Thank you to my son. He has more black screening than me.
00:06Thank you for supporting my movie.
00:09I love you to all the fans of Jaren. Thank you.
00:14Jaren is my new Ryan Bang.
00:17Oh, do you know who Ryan is?
00:19Oh, I know who Ryan is.
00:21Ryan Bang is one, but Ryan can do it.
00:26Since we met, we're like Ryan.
00:30We're always together.
00:32Even when we eat sisig, we need to be together.
00:37This is Ryan Bang's new sibling.
00:41Ryan Bang has a new house.
00:44That's not a house. That's Norman.
00:47I hope you'll introduce me to Bella.
00:49You should introduce her to Bella.
00:50And I hope you'll say that we have the same hair.
00:53Actually, I heard you two.
00:55Come here, Norman.
00:57It's embarrassing.
00:59Come here, Norman.
01:00Go say hi, Norman.
01:02What's her name?
01:06Hi, Norman. Nice to meet you.
01:08My name is Anne Curtis.
01:10That's not true.
01:11She doesn't know.
01:14She doesn't know.
01:15You two go ahead.
01:18You have the same hair.
01:23Norman, is there a special someone?
01:26I've been hearing a lot of things about you.
01:28Wonderful things about you.
01:32As Bella's friend, I'm very happy to meet you.
01:34And I'm very happy that Bella found you.
01:37That's super sweet. Thank you.
01:39He watches Showtime.
01:42Thank you very much.
01:43Why? Because of Bella?
01:45Even if Bella is not here, please watch Showtime.
01:48Because of you.
01:49Because of me?
01:51Because of you.
01:52Well, I get that a lot.
01:55Is she British?
01:57They're the same.
01:58They're the same.
01:59Son, tell her to watch And The Breadwinner Is.
02:03She's telling you have to watch And The Breadwinner Is.
02:06Love it.
02:08Tell her to watch And The Breadwinner Is because it's a good movie.
02:11Tell her.
02:12And The Breadwinner Is is the most amazing movie you will ever see.
02:17It's a good movie.
02:18Tell your boyfriend to watch it sometimes.
02:22Do you want to watch it later?
02:24Do you want to watch it later?
02:25Yeah, we'll watch it later.
