• 2 months ago
सीएम सुक्खू आज से तीन दिनों के लिए नादौन प्रवास पर रहेंगे. सीएम के दौरे को लेकर जिला प्रशासन ने पूरी तैयारियां कर ली हैं.


00:00The Chief Minister is coming to the Nadon-Bizanswak area the day after tomorrow and the day after that.
00:09He will be in Gurdwara for three days.
00:11On the 10th, the eco-tourist site in Haredta will be set up by Mr. Maniyam.
00:20On the same day, on the 12th, around 12.30 pm, some of the PWD schemes in Amlehad will be set up.
