2025.1.10 ハハハ、偶然ですが、オリジナルの新しい日本語の歌を歌う前に、バックグラウンドのシナリオでとても面白い会話を録音しました。地元のハイカーが友達と話していて、このハイキングの姿勢では歌えないと言っていました 😆😆😆。でも、この声は偶然録音したんです。
hahaha, accidentally ,i recorded a very hilarious dialogue in the background scenario before singing my original new Japanese song. a local hiker who talked to her friend and said she couldn't sing in this hiking position
😆😆😆.but i recorded this voice just by accident.
hahaha, accidentally ,i recorded a very hilarious dialogue in the background scenario before singing my original new Japanese song. a local hiker who talked to her friend and said she couldn't sing in this hiking position
😆😆😆.but i recorded this voice just by accident.