• 2 months ago


00:00What did the contractor do?
00:04He removed the leg
00:08He removed the leg?
00:10Yes, sir. He removed the leg
00:12He removed the leg?
00:14Yes, sir. He removed the leg
00:16He removed the leg?
00:18Yes, sir. He removed the leg
00:20He removed the leg?
00:22Yes, sir. He removed the leg
00:24He removed the leg?
00:26Yes, sir. He removed the leg
00:28He removed the leg
00:30Yes, sir. He removed the leg
00:32During the past 7-10 months he returned for using
00:34He gave his letter and asked the contractor to extend gestures
00:36What will you do when you go out?
00:38We don't allow anyone to go out
00:40Where will the people from Jhavdalsan go?
00:42We shouldn't go out
00:44You have to stay in ECL
00:48Where will be that farmer?
00:50Where can we find a farmer?
00:52He lives in DC
00:54Where should he get the people to alight?
