• 2 months ago


00:00In which event did you participate and what did you achieve?
00:03Recently I participated in a national competition at Karni Singh shooting range
00:08and I am qualified in it.
00:10I have scored 125 out of 77 and I am a National Qualified Shooter.
00:17Now what is the benefit of becoming a National Qualified Shooter?
00:20What does it mean to become a National Qualified Shooter?
00:22Becoming a National Qualified Shooter means that I have a lot of opportunities.
00:26I can get a license and I can participate in the upcoming events.
00:31My goal is to participate in the Olympics.
00:35How long have you been shooting? Where did you get inspired?
00:38I have been shooting for 2 years and my father is also a shooter.
00:42The event is a little different because I got inspired by my father's friend Atar Mohsin Umardesvi.
00:49I started going to the shooting range with him and then I got inspired and started shooting.
00:55Where do you practice shooting? Where is it in Aligarh?
00:58There is a shooting range in Aligarh near Kasimpur.
01:02I practice there and I have also practiced in Delhi for a long time.
01:05What is your dream? Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years and how much do you practice for it?
01:09In the next 5 years, I see myself as an Olympic Shooter and I practice 200 shots daily for it.
01:17My coach is also supporting me and I hope that I will be an Olympic Shooter in the future.
01:22My son has just qualified for the National Trap Championship in Delhi.
01:28His match was on the 5th and 6th of this month.
01:31I am very happy that my son got himself cleared for a renowned shot in India.
01:36He had to put in a lot of hard work for it.
01:39Who do you practice with now? What will be the benefit of your son after the National Qualification?
01:43Actually, I am also a Rapid Shooter but he is a Trap Shooter so I had to arrange a gun for him.
01:49His coach gave me his gun to play the match.
01:52I had a lot of problems because I didn't have a gun and I had to share it with others.
01:56But I also want to thank my coach for giving me his gun.
01:59I am also a Shooter but I came to the shooting at a late age.
02:02Because of which I couldn't move forward.
02:04But my dream is that my son should play internationally at the Olympic level.
02:08For which I will try my best and my son is also putting in a lot of hard work.
02:11My whole family is very happy.
02:13At a very young age, my son qualified for the National Qualification at the age of 15.
02:16Congratulations to all of you.
02:18It is a blessing to have people like you.
