• 2 months ago
बैकुंठ एकादशी पर पुष्कर के श्रीरंगजी मंदिर में 10 दिवसीय महोत्सव का आगाज हुआ. पहले दिन ढाई घंटे के लिए बैकुंठ द्वार खोला गया.


00:00Today is Vaikunth Ekadasi and this is the Ramanu Sampradaya which belongs to South India.
00:07200 years ago this was the first temple of North India.
00:14Today we are celebrating Vaikunth Ekadasi.
00:20As per Ramanuj Swamiji, all the people who worshipped and did bhajan and did penance,
00:28all of them got to see God.
00:31Today we have brought all of them out and they are sitting in the presence of God.
00:36We have honoured all of them by celebrating their festival.
00:40After 60 years, Vaikunth festival started again in Ranganath Vrindu Gopal Temple, Puranapuskar.
00:49This temple was inaugurated with 12 Aalvaars.
00:54Why does Vaikunth Gate open?
00:57Janam Mithyu, Zara Vayadhim, Dukh Doshanu Darshanam.
01:03By opening Vaikunth Gate, we get liberation from birth, death, illness, old age, etc.
01:11Today at 6.30 am, we are sitting on the golden palanquin with the golden singers.
01:19We have come out of the palanquin where we have worshipped God.
01:22God's dignity was honoured on 12th Aalvaar.
01:30On 12th Aalvaar, we have come out of the palanquin and are sitting on the golden palanquin again.
01:43This is Vaikunth Temple, which is famous for its colourful temple.
01:48Today, Vaikunth festival has started for 10 days.
01:53This is an annual festival.
01:55Once a year, on Vaikunth 11th Aalvaar, this gate opens.
02:00Today, the gate has been open for 2-3 hours from 9 am.
02:04God and devotees have come out of this gate.
02:09Devotees have been blessed by God.
02:16This festival will go on for 10 days.
02:18In the evening, at 5 pm, 29th Aalvaar, God's ride will start.
02:22We will have 2.5 rounds.
02:25Yesterday, on 9th Aalvaar, God's ride will start.
02:30This festival will go on for 5 days.
02:32On 13th Aalvaar, God's ride will start.
02:37On 13th Aalvaar, God's ride will start.
