• 2 months ago
How has the extreme weather in Sheffield affected you?
00:00The main roads were clear, there were four inches of snow on my back garden and main roads were clear on that day.
00:08Q. So have you been able to get around?
00:10Gritters, yeah, yeah, yeah. Been to work, just as normal, carried on.
00:14Q. So how much has it affected you?
00:17Not at all, really, to be fair. Not at all.
00:22Q. You just don't like the cold?
00:24I don't like the cold. It makes me miserable. I'd rather be in Sharm El Sheikh than ever go in in March.
00:32Q. Enjoy.
00:33It's affected us quite badly. We've not been out for a few days.
00:38Today's the first venture out for us, but me and my husband are in our 60s and we're worried about breaking our bones.
00:45A&E is full of people with broken wrists, broken legs, so it's the first day out.
00:51The smell's been lower at my house anyway.
00:54Q. So what are you doing today?
00:56Well, we've been to Crystal Peaks, we've got off in town on the tram and we're in Sheffield town now.
01:02Q. You're doing nice things.
01:03And my car is parked at Meadow Hall. Park and ride.
